Ch-6 Unexpected Relative

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A/N: Special thanks to -skyofstxrs for helping me out with this chapter! Also you can watch the video above if you want to, or play it as a backround while reading when the story is written down below. Enjoy!

Teddy's POV

'Come with me...' Carina said. We all got up and followed her inside the castle. "Where are we going?" Asked Kristen. "You'll see." 'Rina replied. It was kind of a long walk. "How much more do we have to walk?" Asked Cedric. "Just keep walking." She said.

Finally, she stopped in front of nothing but a wall. "Why did we-" Haz started to ask but stopped when a door started appearing on the wall. "What?" Andrew said out of surprise. Carina looked side to as if checking for no one to be there, and then opened the door.

"Get in." She whispered. We all went in without questioning. I stepped in after Sophia, and was taken aback by the number of books there. It might've been more than the library had! I slowly stepped and went to the first column.

"Welcome guys, to the Room Of Requirements." Carina announced stepping in and closing the door behind her. "How did you find this? It has like more books than the library!" I exclaimed. She shrugged.

"I found this once while I was walking down this corridor. I wanted to know more about Professor Riddle as he was the hier of Slytherin, yet a half-blood." "This is amazing." Aiden said looking around. I went over to her and whispered, "Is this in the map?"

She shook her head no. Then she went in one of the columns, picked up a book, and handed it to Haz. "Here. This is the book I found out about Riddle. There thousands of more books here. We can spend the rest of the day reading them." She told us.

I was fascinated by the scene. "So, like anything you need can appear here, in the form of this room?" Hermione asked. "Yes." 'Rina replied. "I don't get it." Ella said. "Basically, the room of requirements could turn into whatever the passer wants."

"For example, you're hungry, the gates of the room will appear with a banquet in it. Kind of. Just like it's name suggests. Get the idea?" Carina explained. "So, while passing you found this because you wanted to know about Riddle?" Asked Cedric. "Yeah." She replied.

"And when was that?" One of the Weasley twins asked. "Last year." "And you didn't tell us!?" Andrew asked. "I wanted it to be a secret, guess it isn't anymore." And with that Carina disappeared behind a shelf. I started roaming around from shelf to shelf, not in a mood to read anything.

"Hey, Ted." Austin came into view with Harry. "Yeah?" I ask. "Is this place in the map?" Harry asked. "Carina said no." I reply. "Should we add it, then?" Austin asked. "Ask her." I replied simply. "I would say no." Said Carina immerging from behind the shelf.

"Why?" Asked Andrew coming behind her. "Just think. How much fun it would be to see the number of people knowing about this place!" He said jumping up and down like a five year old on a Christmas morning.

"It's not there for a reason. Let this place be a little secret of Hogwarts." She said. "I agree with Carina." Sophia said coming up behind Haz and Aussie. "We agree with Andrew." The Weasleys, Aiden and Cedric claimed. Ella and Hermione had no clue on what was going on. "I'm with the girls." Kristen said.

So basically now it was boys except me versus girls except Hermione and Ella. I just went to sit and watch from a distance. "What are they talking about?" Ella asked me. I explained everything about the Marauders Map and our fathers to them.

"Guess we'll just watch too." Hermione said and sat down beside Ella, who was sitting beside me. "We're more in number. Majority wins." Andrew said. Her twin raised and eyebrow at him that clearly said, 'just shut up 'cause you already loose'. Which did happen.

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