Ch- 7 More Trouble ('cause why not?)

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Draco's POV

I woke up super early. Everyone else in my dorm was asleep. I looked at the clock and it read '6:30 am. The first thought that rushed to my mind was, 'You're a Gryffindor.' I know I'm here for a reason, and with great friends but I couldn't help but feel sad and worthless. A disappointment. I quietly got out of my bed and changed into my robes and went into the common room, all the while, careful not to wake anyone.

Common room was all Gryffindor, and I didn't need to be reminded anymore that was technically in a wrong house. I got out of the Common room. "Can't you wake up a little less early and let me sleep?!" I heard the fat lady shout behind me. "Sorry!" I shouted back. I wandered around the castle for some time, then decided to go to Astronomy tower.

Thanks to Carina, even though not knowing the castle that well, I knew where that tower was situated and thankfully, I have a sharp memory in terms of remembering directions. As I thought, everyone was still asleep and the tower was empty. Even the ghosts seemed to be sleeping. Or maybe I didn't just meet any, you know, Hogwarts is damn big so, who knows?

I stood near the balcony railing, just looking out at the amazing view. I spent just a couple of minutes there, thinking about everything and nothing, when I heard some footsteps. Oh no... I thought to myself. I didn't want to meet anyone. What was the worst that could happen? I thought. Catherine. Said my next thought.

But to my pleasant surprise, it was a familiar face. "Carina? What are you doing here?" She came and stood next to me saying, "Just woke up early." I could see that she was not in a very cheerful mood either. "By mistake?" I asked, jokingly, trying to lighten up the mood. She chuckled and said, "By mistake." nodding. At least someone is happy with me. I thought.

"Wait. Why are you here?" She suddenly asked me, as if just realizing I was there. I shrugged, "Just got woken up I guess." Of course I wasn't telling the real reason. Not that i didn't trust her, just that I didn't want her to worry about me. "You're weird." she said. I smirked. "Weirder than you?" I asked. "Excuse me?" She said, turning towards me, fake hurt as expression. "Did you just call me weird?"

"I think I did." I replied. "Well then kind sir, may I know why?" she said, making me laugh. "That's why." I said, referring to her previous statement. We both laughed at that. "So why are you actually here?" She asked me. I tried to play it off, looking anywhere but towards her. "Told you, just woke up early. By mistake, of course" "No one just wakes up early by mistake." She said back, now looking directly at me.

Hear me out here, I love Carina and she's like an actual elder sister to me and all, but one thing I hate about her, is that she can see straight through people's lies and fake expressions. I mean that's a good quality, but not when you're trying to lie! I think she got that quality from James, because he does the same. I knew I couldn't lie anymore, no matter how hard I try.

So I just blurted out, "I'm just and disappointment for everyone." She raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think that?" "Isn't it obvious?" I replied, "I'm in the wrong place. I don't belong in Gryffindor, I belong in Slytherin. Everyone says the sorting hat doesn't makes mistakes, but maybe this once it did." "You're not in the wrong place you know? It's true they say the hat doesn't make mistakes, but it's also true that it might've made mistakes once or twice. Doesn't necessarily means it has to be putting you in Gryffindor."

"Do you remember everyone's face when I was put in Gryffindor? The silence? Even Dumbledore was speechless. Everyone was sure that I'd be a Slytherin, I know even you were. You're telling me that isn't a mistake?" I said, re-living the memory of being sorted and the look of shock on every face I saw. "That's exactly what I'm telling you." Carina replied. "What did the hat say to you?" "Nothing." I replied blankly. There was silence for a while, then she spoke again.

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