Ch-4 Wait.......what!?

127 4 14

Harry's POV

"Firs'- years! Firs'- years over here! C'mon now hurry up!" The booming voice of Hagrid interrupted the magical moment of the first sight of Hogwarts. Ofcourse I've been here before, but coming as a student is different.

We looked at him, and it took Ella and Hermione by surprise. He sure was huge.
"Hey Hagrid!" I shout. "Alright there, Harry? C'mon follow me- any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me!"

He replied, then tried to get all the other first years' attention. Which wasn't difficult as for his huge size. We followed Hagrid slipping and stumbling down a narrow, steep path.

The path opened to reveal what looked atleast fifty boats, on the great black lake. "No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called out. Aussie,Ted,Nev and I took one boat. Ron,Draco, Hermione and Ella took another one.

"Everyone in? Right then- FORWARD!" Hagrid shouted and the boats started moving towards the castle. "Wow." Both Ella and Hermione breathed out in sync.

Blaise and Pansy were somewhere behind us. Soon we reached Hogwarts. We all climbed out of our boats, and Hagrid knocked three times on the door. Not seconds later, Minnie opened the door.

Yes, Minnie. Professor McGonagall otherwise. I would never even dare to call her that in front of her. I know how strict she can be.

She started explaining about houses and stuff, but I zoned out. The next thing I knew, I was inside the Great Hall. I have never been in there before. We all looked up and the scene was breathtaking.

It was like no normal ceiling. It looked like night sky. Real night sky. "It's enchanted to look like night sky. I read about it in 'Hogwarts: A History' " Hermione whispered beside me, to no one in particular.

Just then, Minnie pulled out the sorting hat, a stool and a piece of parchment. She then started calling out the names and I zoned out again before I heard Aussie's name being called out.

He went to the stool, sat down and moments later the hat bellowed, "GRYFFINDOR!" I cheered along with the entire Gryffindor table.

Next I heard, Ella's name being said. She was sorted into Gryffindor too. So were Ron, Ted, Nev and Hermione. When my name was called I went and sat down on the stool, thinking, Put me in Gryffindor like my friends or else.

The hat said "aha courage, you definitely belong in GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted the last word to everyone. I happily went towards the Gryffindor table.

"Congrats brother!" Andy said, patting my back. "Great! Another Potter!" Said Fred mockingly. Carina eyed him, which shut him up. Dray was the last one left. He went to the stool, and the entire school knew he was going in Slytherin.

*Draco's POV*

"Draco Malfoy." I was the last one left, so I went up the stool. I sat there for what I think was one minute and still hadn't been sorted. Surprisingly, the sorting hat said nothing to me the entire time. The next thing I knew the hat bellowed, "GRYFFINDOR!"

CLIFFHANGER! And a twist at the same time!

Word count in the chapter: 523

What's your favourite magical class?

Next chapter hopefully soon.

Please tell me if there is something I need to work on.

Please tell me if there is something I need to work on

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(P.S. Banner by Nimbus_firebolt)

Peace out!

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