Chapter 1: A Calling

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    The next day started the same way it always does. Owen, was on his phone, reviewing something that the rest of the comrades didn't care about. Owen was average height, asian and had spiky hair. Dom, being on the bowling team, was swinging his bowling ball around, hitting people in the legs with it. Dom was a big kid, but not fat, and he was very goofy at times.  Chris, the short mature one, was trying to sleep in the busy lobby of the school because he stayed up late doing homework while simultaneously talking to his girlfriend. Lorenc, the skinny Albannian, and Sorin, a short intelectual portarican, were arguing over Dragon Ball Z and how Sorin just swindled Lorenc into paying too much for some Japanese candies. Tommy, the tall inspiring drummer of the group, was tapping his hands and feet to beat of some old rock song, that he was blasting through his headphones. TR, short for Thomas Ryan, had taken Anthony's phone to play games on it, which he does every morning. TR, was the sport player of the group and was on the offensive line for the football team. And Anthony, tall kid with shaggy hair and glasses, had his mind on Star Wars, but was sitting back taking it all in. Happy to have such a great group of friends.

    "Tom give me my phone back please, the bell is about to ring." complained Anthony for about the tenth time this morning

    "Nope. I am keeping it until first period cause I know you need it to do the homework you didn't do last night." said TR.

    Overhearing the conversation, Owen gave a slight laugh and said, "Take that Fat L, Anthony."

    "Shut up Owen." chuckled Chris. "You litilery program all day and all night. Do you even sleep?"

    "Ummm...." Owen said, clearly embarrassed. The friends shared a laugh as the bell rang telling everyone to get to homeroom. They all got up from their seats, Tom handed back Anthony's phone and The Comrades went their separate ways to their classrooms. All ready to start another normal day in highschool.

Second period was the most chill class for Anthony. He sat in the back of the class, so he was able to be on his phone most of the time. He sat next to his friends Dylan and Jeffrey. In the middle of some lecture Dylan asked, "Hey, did you guys hear about Elon Musk?"

    "What happened? Did he solve time travel when he was high?" jokingly asked Jeffrey.

    "Kinda..." confessed Dylan.

    "What?!" exclaimed Jeffrey and Anthony with shocked looks on their faces.

    "Yah, Elon apparently has been doing a top secret government project called Tesla Space. The government and him built a rock that is able to fly itself and has a prototype hyperdrive." said Dylan.

    "Wait. Is the hyperdrive the same thing from Star Wars?" asked Anthony.

    "Probably, but I don't know much about Star Wars." explained Dylan.

    "This is so stupid." said Jeffery, "You mean to tell me that the goverment spent millions of dollars and teamed up with a guy who is always high, to make a rocket based off Star Wars!"

    "Yep!" laughed Dylan, "They are actually presenting it this Saturday, in upstate New York."

    "I normally would go to these things, but this is just stupid." complained Jeffery as the bell began to ring signaling the students to move to their next class.

    Surprisingly all the comrades had the same lunch. They all sat in the front of the lunch room and were definitely the loudest. Owen was there first, as normal, and the rest filed in one by one. Anthony being the last, got his lunch and walked to the table. His mind is still on the talk he had with Lorenc, but filled with the news of Tesla Space. He wished that he was able to go on that ship, be able to fly it, have that emptiness be filled just a little bit. As he got closer to the table he saw his friends whispering something to each other. When they saw Anthony coming, they quickly stopped and acted normal.

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