Chapter 8: Old friends Not forgotten

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The past two years have been an experience for Andrew, to say the least. A few months after he had been adopted, Alester Wren died on the battlefield fighting for Death Watch. Ursa had become the leader of the clan and had become a mother to her first child, Sabine. Andrew had become an uncle at age eleven and once he laid eyes on the baby girl he vowed that nothing would harm her. He may have lost a family member but gained a new one. The biggest experience for Andrew was learning how to hide his force abilities. As Ursa's first act as Countess, she made the clan vow to keep his abilities a secret. At first they agreed only because Ursa was their leader, but over time Andrew showed them that he was one of them and earned their respect. Andrew hated that he had to not use the force in public, so he secretly practiced in his room. He learned basic things, like to lift items and sense his surroundings, but he never could try to use it in combat.

As for Owen and Tom, they became the guards of the Countess's family and captains of the clans forces. The members of the clan accepted them quickly, but had an unspoken grudge because they were friends with Andrew. When Sabine was born, Ursa forced them by oath to protect her child until she could protect herself. They agreed of course and had become honorary uncles in the Countess' eyes. Over the course of the two years they each had a personal quest they pursued. Tom's was to learn the music of this galaxy and share some from his. Tom taught Alrich the art of music, especially rock, and in return Alrich taught him some mandalorian battle songs. Owen's quest was to learn the technology of this galaxy. He spent most of his day in the Study of the Wren Stronghold and was still mainly found by Ursa in the late nights. She started to teach him about technology that was so new to him. They both enjoyed it as Owen learned about the technology and Ursa found a distraction from the hard life as a countess. However one quest was shared by all of the close friends and family of the wrens. It was to find where the others were, but after two long years, their hope was almost out.

Kid was in his quarters, practicing his force powers and listening to a playlist Tom had created for him, when he heard a knock at his door. Using the force he sensed it was his friends.

"Hey Kid, some sensors were triggered at an old Death Watch camp. Owen and I are going to check it out, you want to come?" asked Tom as Kid opened his door.

"Sorry guys, but on duty." answered Andrew.

"On what duty?" asked Tom. His response was a warm feeling on his leg. He looked down and saw the two year old, Sabine hugging it.

"Well, hello there." cooed Tom as he picked her up. Sabine pressed her face onto his helmet and tried to see his face through the visor. Not really seeing anything she gave up and reached for Andrew.

"Ursa put you up to this?" joked Tom, as he handed her to his friend. "Hope she's not a handful."

"She's not at all. She especially likes it when I do this." claimed Andrew.

He sat her on the floor and stepped back. He reached out with his hands and he closed his eyes. Tom and Owen watched in awe and the toddler began to float in the air, giggling the whole time. After a few more seconds he let her down.

"Don't tell Ursa about that, she'd kill me." pleaded Andrew.

"I didn't see anything." said Owen, which made Kid smile.

"So just to be clear, you're not coming." reassured Tom.

"Unless you want to have the baby come." joked Kid as he watched her waddle over to her finger paints that her father had gotten her.

"Then Ursa would kill all of us." laughed Tom, as he and Owen started to walk off. "We'll see you when we get back."

Tom and Owen made their way outside, to the shipyard, to get their personal Kom'rk Class Fighter, The Black Dog. It stuck out in the field of white and blue ships. It was customly painted, over seen by Alrich, night black and beskar silver. Tom named it, Black Dog, after one of favorite Led Zeppelin songs. He played it every time he lifted the ship off the ground.

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