Chapter 7: Brothers of a Rebel

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"Cham, my old friend. Come to sell me something?" asked Hondo to a hologram of Cham Syndulla.

Syndulla was a Twi'lek. He looked human but had pointy ears, sharp teeth, and two tail-like appendages coming out of the back of his head. Syndulla came from a world called Ryloth, which was currently being fought over by the republic and the separatists. Cham and his people were fighting alongside the republic to free their world, but unfortunately all forces were spread thin across the planet.

"I'm calling in my favor, Hondo." exclaimed Syndulla, "I need some men. My forces are spread thin and the republic won't send more troops."

"And how can I profit from this?" asked Hondo, stroking his chin.

"Hondo!" yelled Syndulla

"Alright. Alright." said Hondo, putting his hands up in defense from the Twi'lek's outburst, "But how will my men do any good for you? They won't do it for free, they're... pirates."

Cham only nodded and began to think about the situation.

"Ay Boss, your boys are back." called one of Hondo's men.

Suddenly Hondo thought of the way to help his friend, as he watched an old and beat up ship land.

"My friend, I will get you your men." Hondo said to Cham.

Syndulla was about to say something but Hondo ended the transmission and walked over to the junk pile of a ship. The entrance ramp of the ship slowly creaked down and Hondo winced at the sounds it made.

"Hey Hondo, those dog-like creatures paid up." said Dom as he came down the ramp, with the wind blowing in his trench coat. "But they didn't go easy."

"Bothans, Dom. Not dogs." said TR as he came down the ramp and handed Hondo a crate full of credits.

"Whatever. They still did a number on the Junk Pile." Dom pointed his thumb back at the carbon scoring on the sides of the ship.

"Well Bothans are naturally aggressive, my boy." explained Hondo with a smirk on his face.

"So then why do you send us on these errands of yours with a garbage ass ship!" yelled Sorin as he stepped on the entrance ramp and pulled his goggles up to his forehead. "Let me fly one of the corna saucers."

"Not in a million years." Hondo fired back.

"You're despicable." said Sorin.

"I'm offended." gasped Hondo, "And I don't even know what that means."

"So, what's next Hondo?" asked TR as Sorin punched Dom for laughing at Hondo's sacracism.

"You're going to Ryloth." stated Hondo, catching the attention of Dom and Sorin.

"Ryloth? But that's a warzone." claimed Sorin hoping Hondo was joking.

"An old friend called in a favor and I'm not getting paid for this so." said Hondo as he turned his back to them.

"Wait. since when does Hondo Ohnaka give favors without making a profit?" asked Dom.

"I can afford to have some non profit missions and plus I, Hondo Ohnaka, always repay my debts." claimed Hondo.

"But don't you owe something to the Hutts, and the Black Sun, and The Pykes, and-"stated TR, but was cut off by Hondo.

"Yes. Yes. Enough of that. Now off to Ryloth with you." said Hondo as he shoved the three teens back into the ship.

"But what are we even doing?" asked Dom.

"I don't know and I don't care. Just find a man named Syndulla." Hondo told the teens, "Now, goodbye!"

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