Chapter 9: Family Reunion and Farewell

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Anthony, Chris and Lorenc, had just finished a covert mission for the Republic. A certain senator had betrayed the Republic and allied themselves with Count Dooku. They had to go undercover and befriend the senator. Eventually they would reveal themselves and arrest him for treason against the Republic. Their mission went surprisingly well because Dooku didn't show up this time. They were now on their way to rendezvous with Anakin and Obi-Wan's fleet when they received a transmission from Skywalker.

"Hey Master, what's up?" greeted Anthony as his Master appeared as a hologram.

"Coruscant is under attack." said Anakin getting straight to the point.

"We're redirecting now." said Anthony in a serious tone, as he began to chart the fastest way to Coruscant.

"Don't bother. Obi-Wan and I can handle Grievous." reassured Anakin, "I need you three to go to Mandalore and help an old friend."

"Ahsoka!" gasped Anthony. Anakin gave a smile and a nod in response. Anthony quickly dropped the ship out of hyperspace, causing Chris and Lorenc to be tossed around in the back of the ship. Anakin was stunned by his padawan's speed as he spun the ship around, found the fastest hyperspace lane, and put the ship back into the blue tunnel.

"We'll be there within the hour." smiled Anthony.

"Not if you kill us!" yelled Chris from his folded position on the floor, causing Anakin to laugh.

"Just don't do anything stupid." ordered Anakin. Anthony felt there was a double meaning behind his Master's words though.

"Don't worry we won't do anything you would do, Master." replied Anthony, smirking at his joke.

"And look out for each." continued Anakin.

"We will, Master." responded Anthony.

"And-" continued Anakin but was cut off by Anthony.

"Master, we'll be fine. You go stop Grievous. I'll help Ahsoka." smiled Anthony, closing the transmission. As he closed the holo-call it hit him. This was the end of the war.

The three came out of hyperspace above Mandalore. Anthony guided their small ship to the Republic cruiser that was stationed above the tormented world. They flew in the main hanger and parked the ship on the left. Stepping out they checked in with clones on the bridge. Getting the all clear from them they jumped onto a Gunship and went down to the Capital City of Sundari.

"Rex! We just entered the atmosphere." said Anthony to a hologram of the now Commander Rex.

"You missed the fight. " said Rex teased. "I'll meet you at the docks."

"You seem happy." noticed Chris, who was listening in on the conversation.

"Well things are getting back to normal." claimed Rex smiling underneath his helmet.

"Alright, we'll see you on the surface." said Anthony and closed the transmission with a heavy sigh.

"You good bro?" asked Lorenc.

"This war is going to end and end fast." started Anthony as he sat down on a crait in the hull of the gunship they were in. "I don't know if we're prepared for it."

"Hey we can deal with it together, like we have been for the past two years." stated Chris putting a hand on his friend's, his brother's, shoulder.

"Coming up on the Docks, Commander." said the pilot.

"Thanks, Spitfire." called back Anthony.
The three passengers felt the LAAT Gunship curve into its landing cycle. They felt the ship touchdown and were hit with blinding light as the hull doors opened. Letting his eyes adjust, Anthony stepped out and saw Rex stand with a Mando. Anthony knew exactly who it was. He knew practically this whole event. It was something that kept him up at night. Something that he feared. He started getting these nightmares when Ahsoka left. They started slow and increased nightly to the point of where it was like he was basically rewatching the final episodes of the clone wars. Knowing these days would come and what would come at the end. He tried to prepare his friends for the end of the Clone War.

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