Chapter 10: Victory and Death

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The final surge of Maul's forces had been defeated during the night. The Mandalorians of Clan Saxon, Clan Kast, and Clan Onyo had either surrendered or chose to die when Maul was captured by Ahsoka. As part of the deal Ahsoka made with Bo-Katan, The Republic and Ahsoka would be leaving the next day with Maul while Bo-Katan got Mandalore. That night however seemed to last forever for Anthony, but dawn was on the horizon. He didn't sleep and he couldn't get in touch with Ahsoka. He couldn't get the thought of Order 66 out of his head as he knew it was only hours away. Sighing deeply Anthony decided to mediate, to see if it could help his mind. He adjusted himself on his cot, which was given to him by Ursa, trying not to wake Chris, TR, Lorenc, Sorin, and Dom.

Letting himself become lost in the force, he began to feel all The Republic spread across the galaxy. Felucia, Mygeeto, Kashyyyk, he felt each Jedi and their clone battalions fighting for The Republic. But had felt the dark side as well and it was the strongest it has ever been. As he felt each Jedi's signature around the galaxy, he felt one close to him. Someone he wanted to see so bad.

"Ahsoka!" called out Anthony through the force. "Where are you?"

Ahsoka heard the voice in her head and stopped in tracks. She smiled at the sound of his voice. She was so happy to hear her best friend. She had been so focused on fighting Maul and capturing him that she didn't even realize that he was in the City of Sundari. When Ahsoka handed Maul over to Bo-Katan to contain him, Rex told Ahsoka that he was at the docks.

"Step outside and you'll see." she mentally said back.

Anthony shot up from his cot and stepped out of the tent. He first looked to his left at the purged wasteland of Mandalore seeing the sun had risen above the horizon. He then turned to his left to see Ahsoka standing thirty meters from him. They ran towards each other, smiling from ear to ear, and jumped into each other's arms.

"I've missed you so much." he whispered to her.

"I missed you too." she whispered back.
They moved apart a little but still held on to each other. Neither of them wanted to let go. For Ahsoka all the hardship she felt in the past two years melted away. For Anthony he wanted to freeze time and not endure what was yet to come. He gazed into her eyes and she took off his glasses to gaze into his. She always liked his brown eyes. She thought it complemented his long hair.

"I'm grateful you came." she said.

"Well my schedule was clear." he teased.

She laughed at his stupid joke, almost feeling like things have gone back to normal. She wanted things to go back to normal but maybe a little different. Hearing her laugh only brought him out of his trance and back to the lurking future.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she saw his eyes become worried.

"Nothing." he responded looking away from her.

She cupped his cheek with her and forced him to look at her. "Tell me."

"Ahsoka, I uh-" he started but was cut off by her com.

"Ahsoka, they're bringing up Maul. It's time to go." commed Rex.

"Alright I'm on my way." she responded letting go of Anthony. She ended the com and looked back at him.

"Are you coming." she asked, handing back his glasses.

He looked at her then back at the tent with his brothers in it. "I'll meet you back on Coruscant. There are some people that I want to bring along."

"You found them." she said

"How'd you know?" he smiled.

"Because I've never seen you look at a tent with such happiness, Sleemo." she teased. "You better bring them along. I'd like to meet them."

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