Chapter 5: part 2

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Part II

The girls asked around for a place to wash the damn cloths, and were told to go to a river nearby. They had barely reached it when they saw Elijah, Klaus, and another man. The brunette waved at the man she had just "met" the day before and saw him approaching with the others.

- Miss Salvatore! What a pleasure to see you! Brothers, - he said turning to the other two - this is the lovely lady I told you about yesterday and that I invited over for supper at our hut tonight. These are my brothers, Finn, the eldest, and Niklaus, one of my little brothers. We're out to hunt.

They seemed surprised staring at Elena, probably thinking how much she looked like Tatia. The brunette felt a little bothered by it. Was everyone in that damn village going to look at her like that?

The girls didn't know exactly how to greet on those times, so they simply nodded, casual but polite.

- Nice to meet you, Finn and Niklaus. - she said feeling a shiver through her spine when she said the Original hybrid's name - Oh! And this is my sister, Caroline Salvatore, my one and only little sister. - she pointed just like Elijah had done just to be precise. Her friend was a few months younger anyway...

The other girl raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips.

They all greeted the blonde, who politely said it was a pleasure to meet them all. She couldn't help notice how Klaus was staring at her. It was... unnerving. She always found him a handsome man, but knew better than to say a word, especially considering he was a psycho son of a bitch whose favorite hobby was to destroy people's lives... Although the girl had to admit that human Klaus looked... sweet, almost innocent.

- Are you going to wash your cloths in the river? - asked Elijah smiling.

The brunette felt her legs a little weak but ignored it.

- Yes, but I have to admit we used to use some... herbs back in our old village to make them smell nice that we couldn't find around here.

- Oh, then our little sister Rebekah will help you! She's on her way here to do some washing, I believe she will be glad to assist you! - informed Elijah still grinning, which was killing Elena.

"I bet she'd love to help...", thought the blonde, who fondly called Rebekah "She-Devil".

They saw the other blonde emerge, arms full with cloths.

- Bekah, come here, love! - asked Klaus, and for the first time the girls saw a glimpse of the Original they met.

She walked slowly to them and was introduced to the new girls of the village, the Salvatore sisters. Caroline was as surprised as Elena to notice Rebekah was the sweetest thing. She smiled and said she'd help for sure, then took the girls to the other margin of the river, showing them which herbs they should use and where to find them.


The washing was going fine when Rebekah whispered in a secrecy tone:

- You do look a lot like that Tatia wench, Elena. Elijah would grow fond of you for sure, if he wasn't so infatuated with that horrid girl...

- Yes, he mentioned something about her, he said she was his "suitor".

- Oh, no! That strumpet doesn't know what she wants! She keeps stringing my brothers along! Besides, Father would never allow Elijah to marry a girl who has a child out of wedlock! He's been wanting some other girl for Elijah since he started to court her.

- Did you say "brothers"? - Caroline hadn't missed that.

- Nik fancies the wench too, but she doesn't make up her mind.

- And your father doesn't mind Niklaus courting her as well? - the blonde asked curiously, tasting the word "courting".

- Father doesn't care about Nik. They never really got along, and Father is especially harsh to him. He claims Nik is weak and cowardly, but that's not true. I don't know why Father does that. He believes a wench like Tatia is what he deserves, even more than what he deserves... - she informed sadly.

"Imagine if he knew Klaus isn't his son...", Caroline thought, pitying the Original hybrid.

Rebekah then started again:

- But Nik isn't very happy with her lately, he's been fighting with Elijah over her, and I believe he's disappointed at her indecision. I'm sure he just wants someone to love him first and only. The only reason he's still after her is because he's very proud and competitive. You know how boys are.

- Yes, we do... - replied Caroline smiling before asking - How old are you, Rebekah?

- I'm fifteen. What about the two of you?

- I'm eighteen, and Caroline is seventeen. - it was true, what the Original didn't know was that the blonde's eighteenth birthday was only a few days away when the girls were in the present.

They realized they weren't sent back to when the Originals had the age they died, but a couple of years before, since Rebekah in the present was around seventeen, like the two of them. Maybe that happened because the magic around the talisman wanted to make sure they had enough time to fulfill the wish, to complete the mission. For whatever reason, that was how things were, which meant that Elijah was probably around twenty five, and Klaus, around twenty three.

- Do you have a suitor, Rebekah? Or are you too young for it? - asked Caroline wanting to have boy talk with her new friend.

- No, I'm not too young! I'm at a proper age, but unfortunately I don't have one. Most of the acceptable boys of age want the wench, what drives father mad with rage. I'll just wait to be someone's second choice...

The blonde knew exactly how the other felt, being second choice to Elena herself.

- I'm sure you'll find a nice man to love you. You'll see.

The girl still looked sad though, receiving sympathy smiles from both Elena and Caroline.

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