Chapter 12

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Klaus had promised Caroline he'd take her riding. He was taming a new horse and sensed Caroline would love it.

- There it is, love. - he was bringing a marvelous white horse, making the girl's eyes sparkle in excitement.

- It's beautiful, Nik! Oh, is it a boy or a girl?

He chuckled, she was really adorable in her way of speaking.

- A girl, sweetheart. And you get to name it.

- Really? - he nodded - Oh, she needs the best name for she's a gorgeous mare. How about Diamond? - she suggested thinking such a preciousness deserved a name like that.

- It's a lovely name, sweetheart. Now, how about you ride Diamond? She's yours, you know.

The blonde opened her mouth wide.

- You're giving me Diamond? - he nodded in response - You shouldn't have, Nik. I hope this didn't get you in trouble with your father.

- Don't worry, love. I made an arrangement with Father. And he's too excited about getting me out of the family's hut to deny me a horse to my gorgeous wife-to-be. After all, it's thanks to you he's being rid of me.

He wanted to sound cheerful, but she knew, deep down, he wasn't. The Original struggled his entire human life to be accepted and loved by his father.

- You give me all these presents, and I have nothing to give you. - the only one who made money was Stefan, and he was spending way too much on the hut renovation.

Stefan had a bright future ahead of him, and the Original father could see that, which explained why he wanted to marry the youngest Salvatore and his daughter so badly.

Caroline knew Mikael was probably financing most of Klaus' hut, and only to get rid of him. She was also aware she would live in a simple hut and would have a simple life with the hybrid-to-be. But she couldn't care less. That man would give her the world if he could (and maybe someday, he would actually do that), and that's all she needed to know.

- You could sing me another special song, love. Like the one you sang to Henrik. By the way, I think he's smitten by you, sweetheart, he won't stop talking about you.

- He's so sweet, Nik. We should spend more time with him.

- Only after we're married. Then, I'll have you all to myself, and can afford to share you a little with him. - Caroline rolled her eyes at his possessiveness - Shall we ride her now?

- I can't ride, Nik. - the blonde confessed blushing - I never learnt. I admire horses from afar.

- I'll ride with you, sweetheart.

- Alright, then. But don't you let me fall!

- Never, love.

He then helped her up, climbing on the horse right after. The man then encircled her by the waist, and she held on his arm for dear life. Klaus knew she was a little scared, so he started riding slowly, giving her time to get used to the horse's movement.

Their bodies were touching, pressed against one another. She was leaning against his torso, and sometimes inhaled his scent on the crook of his neck, making him shiver and press her closer.

They rode for a while, admiring the views, and sensing each other's warmth. Caroline was getting even more sure she didn't want to wait until her wedding night to make love to him.

She was thinking about that when something hit her. She wasn't pure, and he'd know it. Would he be mad at her? Would he feel deceived?

When they got off Diamond, she knew she had to tell him.

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