Chapter 24

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In the middle of the afternoon, Stefan explained his plan to Elena and Caroline.

- I put this house in my daughter's name. Until Sarah is old enough to consciously invite someone in, Rebekah and I would be in charge of that, as her parents. And since Bekah is completely unaware of that, I'm the only one inviting people in. I remembered I met a vampire who did that, putting his house in the name of a nephew for whom her was responsible for or something, and the boy was too young to invite people in. Then, the vampire did it until the boy was old enough to do it consciously.

- I can't wait to see Damon's face when he can't get into his house... – Caroline smiled mischievously.

- Oh, and I registered our babies, Caroline. – he handed her a birth certificate, which read "Lukas Henrik Mikaelson, son of Niklaus Mikaelson and Caroline Elizabeth Forbes" – Here's is Sarah's. "Sarah Alexis Salvatore, daughter of Stefan Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson." – he read out loud, very proud – I had to use some compulsion, I mean, there were no documents or anything.

- That's okay, Stef. Thanks!

- Is this what you're offering Klaus? An invite? – Elena asked, not really sure the hybrid would accept the deal.

- Yes. I'll say I'm still trying to reach Damon to get his coffin back, but since that's taking a while longer, for Bonnie still hasn't located my brother, I'm inviting him in as a sign of my good will towards him and of how serious I'm taking our deal. What do you think?

- Honestly? I don't think Nik is gonna buy it. – the blonde answered, remembering how ruthless present Klaus was – But it is worth a shot.

- Would you girls come with me? I think if he sees Elena pregnant, he might get a little less moody, seeing for himself the Petrova bloodline will continue. And if he sees Caroline, well, do I really have to say how I think that's affecting his mood? – the boy inquired in a playful tone.

- It's fine with me. Especially because, if he undaggers Rebekah, I should apologize to her right away, and with lots of people around, so she won't kill me. But we're not staying long, guys, it's Care's birthday and we're throwing a small party here later. – the girl reminded them, for she had spent the entire morning buying the stuff for her best friend's birthday.

- Okay, I'll call my mom and see if she can watch the babies for a while.

Caroline talked to the sheriff, who said she could take care of the babies until her night shift, at 6 p.m. The teenagers then dropped the little ones there.


Elijah answered the door and seemed surprised to see the three of them. He invited them in and called his brother, who showed up in the living room in a second.

He couldn't help the surprise at the sight of the very much pregnant Elena. And Caroline was as beautiful as he had seen earlier, even more.

- What do I owe the pleasure of the visit of the lot of you? Did you come to give me my coffin back?

- No. I'm trying to find Damon, but he obviously doesn't want to be found. So, I wanted to offer you a small sign of my good will. I want you to know I will return your coffin. As soon as I find my brother, I will make him tell me where it is, no matter what it takes, I promise. – the youngest Salvatore declared in a firm tone, wanting the hybrid to believe him.

- And what do you have to offer now, Rippah? I hope not one of the doppelganger's babies, I'm not Rumpelstiltskin. – there was irony in each and every word.

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