Chapter 32

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Over two weeks had passed until Finn heard of Esther. Unfortunately, the witch didn't say much, she probably had doubts about her eldest son's loyalty to her. She was on a mission, she couldn't afford to trust anyone blindly.

- That's all she said, Finn? That she's making a hunter to chase after us, like Mikael? – Klaus asked annoyed.

- Yes, Niklaus. I think she doesn't trust me entirely.

The others sighed. They should've known it wouldn't be that easy...

- She could get anyone with a deep hatred for vampires and have her hunter – Elijah declared upset.

Caroline, always trying to see the bright side, pointed out:

- Even if she makes a hunter, you can't be killed, so I don't see a problem.

- We cannot, sweetheart, but you, Elena, and Stefan can. And dear mother knows what you mean to us by now. – the hybrid stated, remembering why he used to take a safe distance from anyone who got too close.

He didn't want to be weak, to be afraid. And Caroline, Lukas, and the little one coming were precisely the things he never wanted to have: weaknesses, and ones he was terrified of losing. He was positively going insane, paranoid, and obsessive with ending his mother as soon as possible.

- We can, Niklaus. Or did you forget father's weapon? There's one type of wood that can end us. – Elijah reminded his little brother.

- White oak. But Rebekah told me, when she shared your family's story, that you had burned that tree to the ground. Mikael's stake should be the last one made of white oak and capable of ending your lives, right? – Elena failed to see the point of her husband's observation. His life wasn't at stake, was it?

- My love, Mikael had two weapons made of white oak, for safe keep. If there was more white oak wood, he would've made more, but two was all he could make. One he'd carry around with him to kill Niklaus if he ever managed to reach us, but there was another, in a safe place, in case the one he carried around was lost, stolen, or destroyed.

- But he died, Elijah, and he took the secret with him to the grave for sure. That man trusted no one. – Stefan remembered how protective Mikael was over the weapon he carried around, he almost didn't hand it to Damon to kill Klaus during the Homecoming.

- Yes, perhaps he took the secret with him to the grave, but who said he cannot still share it? – the hybrid pondered mysteriously.

- Nik, tell me what's on your mind, please – Caroline asked a little frightened of what they might hear.

- Father died a vampire, he's on the Other Side. Mother is a witch, she can communicate with the dead. What if she made contact with him? He hates us enough to share the location of the weapon! – Rebekah exclaimed, guessing her brother's thoughts, fear creeping through her.

They all looked startled.

- Oh, God, Nik, I hate your parents so much! – Caroline exclaimed, an angry expression taking over her beautiful features.

- You said it, Care, and I quote: we have the worst in laws in the History of Mankind! – the doppelganger remembered upset. Now she regretted not saying some truths to Esther's face like her blonde friend had done.

- Understatement of the century. Now, the plan, please? – the youngest Salvatore inquired worried.

- Sleep with our eyes open and trust no one. Anyone, from now on, is a suspect. We cannot know who dear mother chose to be our hunter – the hybrid warned the lot of them, seeming even more concerned than before.

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