Chapter 11

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Klaus was so apprehensive. What if Stefan didn't allow him to court Caroline? If Mikael had gotten through him, the Salvatore might prefer Kol for his sister.

He knocked at the door early in the morning, praying to all the saints he knew.

- Niklaus. - greeted the youngest Salvatore in a solemn tone, but inside he was laughing hard!

- Stefan, mate. I came here to ask you something very important. - the hybrid-to-be started nervously.

- Come in, then. - the teenager had to congratulate himself for his acting skills. He wouldn't miss such a good opportunity to make the Original sweat!

They were silent for a minute, then Klaus initiated conversation again.

- I would be very honored if you allowed me to court your sister Caroline.

The Salvatore boy pretended to consider the request for a while, watching the other one tense up.

- And your intentions are really pure? Do you intend to marry her and take care of her for the rest of your life?

If Caroline could hear him, she'd be laughing her ass off... But unfortunately, she was out with Elena to get water from the well.

- Of course, Stefan. I may not be wealthy, but I promise you she'll have a good, comfortable life. I'll provide for her and for our children for as long as I live.

Stefan was happy with the answer. And to know Mikael would be pissed about that was a definite plus. That man was getting on his nerves!

- Fine, then, you may court her. - he finally smiled to Klaus, who breathed in relief.

A few minutes later, the girls were back. The blonde was surprised to see Klaus there so early.

- Nik, what are you doing here at this hour? I told him you were coming, but never thought you'd be here so early.

- I asked your brother's permission, love.

The girl stared at Stefan, who had a fun smile playing on his lips.

- I hope he said 'yes', or we'll have a serious problem in this hut. - she said more to the Salvatore boy than to the Original.

- Of course I said 'yes', Caroline. I would never face your wrath... - he joked, adding right after - Elena and I will give you two minutes to celebrate your new status, but only two minutes. And keep your hands to yourself, Niklaus!

- Sure, mate.

Caroline just rolled her eyes. She could see Stefan was having a blast at Klaus' expense!

- So, - the girl started when they were finally alone - we're official now, huh? - she placed her hands around his waist.

- Yes, my love. And I intend to make you my wife soon. I can't wait to have you entirely to myself.

"Selfish possessive Klaus? Check!", the blonde thought, seeing some of the future Klaus in her Nik.

- What about your father? When are we telling him?

- Tomorrow. I want to live another day feeling this happy, sweetheart. - he tried to sound playful, but she could see he was a little worried.

- Hey, he will accept us, trust me.

- What's your plan, love? - he knew she was cooking something in that mind of hers, her wits always impressed him tremendously.

- You'll see, Nik. Just remember to play along, okay?

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