Chapter 18

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Very early on the following morning, Elijah was at the door, flowers in hand. Rebekah answered the door, and the brunette could take a glance at him, rolling her eyes, "Apparently, men's habit of giving women flowers when they mess up is as old as the Originals...".

The Original blonde inquired if Elena wished to talk to her brother, assuring her she could tell Elijah to come back later. The doppelganger said it was okay and got outside to talk to him.

- Elena, I brought you some flowers to brighten up your day. – he stated, handing them to her, who thanked him politely – How are you feeling, my love?

- I've been better. – the girl answered dryly.

The man knew things were not looking up for him. Her greeting to him was cold, and she didn't call him 'Lijah.

The brunette knew it was all a misunderstanding, but was still a little hurt by how easily he was deceived.

- Could we take a stroll and talk, my love?

- That's fine, I guess. I think it's an appropriate time to talk, instead of ten minutes before the wedding... - the girl retorted bitterly.

Oh, Lord... She was still very upset, he could tell.

- My love, I am deeply sorry about what happened yesterday. I was a fool to ever think you would do that to me! – he felt really guilty about it, and couldn't stop apologizing.

- Yes, Elijah! You were! If I wanted to break off our commitment, I would've talked to you way before the ceremony! Do you think I'd do that to you, to our family members, all there for our wedding? How little you know me!

Things were escalating fast, and the Original feared the path that conversation was taking.

- Elena, I know you, my love. You are selfless and caring, always putting others before yourself, especially your family. I love you so much! Do not break off our commitment! I know you have every right to, and no one would ever dare judging you after I left you at the altar, but, please, don't do this!

The brunette got puzzled. What the hell was he talking about?

- I'm not breaking things off with you, Elijah! I just wanted to get everything off my chest! Do you really believe I would break up with you for so little? I love you! Besides, I'll be damned if I let that wench get what she wants!

He breathed in relief, smiling and shaking his head lightly, for Tatia would have half the woman of the village as enemies if she kept up that pace. She already had Rebekah, Caroline, and Elena out to get her!

- What could I do to make up for my misdeeds, my love? Tell me, and I shall do it!

The girl could think of a thing or two, but didn't want to shock him.

Or maybe she did. He had declared he knew her, right? She'd see how well, and if he would still look at her the same way after it...

- Maybe there's one thing... Would you come with me?

- Gladly so, my love.

In normal conditions, the girl would be more nervous, and would probably have chickened out by now already. But after what happened, she decided it was time to get everything out in the open. He had to know whom he was marrying, every aspect of her.

The couple walked for a while until they reached a pond. It was very beautiful and very deserted there. No one would bother them. Elena knew the place, for she already had been there several times, sometimes just to have some peace, sometimes to bathe...

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