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As Lucifer and Chloe drove back from the crime scene - after this very interesting turn of events - they both remained silent. The devil was still very much surprised after all these revelations. Between the handyman in the morning, and the new information about Chloe, the day had been quite eventful, and wasn't done yet. The Detective on her side was also lost in her world, but not for the same reason. Part of her was focused on the road and the heavy traffic in Los Angeles at the moment, while her other half was set on figuring out how to sell the whole sting idea to her new boss. The more she thought about it, the more she realised having Lucifer around when she explained her plan to the Lieutenant was a bad idea. Now all she had to do was break the news to her partner and hope he wouldn't take it the wrong way. If her short experience with him taught her anything, it was that despite his bravado, he had a hard time dealing with rejection or exclusion in general. She finally parked her car and turned off the ignition. This effectively pulled Lucifer out of his thoughts.

"This isn't the station," he states. "I thought we were going back to the precinct to talk to the Lieutenant."

"I will talk to him a bit later on." She searches his eyes to convey what she didn't say but he avoids her on purpose. "I think it's best if I talk to him on my own and if you could stay away from the station for a couple of days."

"I see." He simply replies, surprised and a little hurt because her current words were in complete opposition to her actions this morning when she argued with their new boss. "I wouldn't want to impose and make things worse." He opens the car door. "Thank you for the ride home, Detective." His voice is neutral in an attempt to hide whatever was happening in his mind.

Chloe grabs his arm before he can go. She feels the need to explain her decision so they wouldn't part this way. "It's not that I don't want you there, Lucifer." She quickly says. "It's just..." She pauses and locks her eyes with his. "It's just the Lieutenant isn't a big fan of yours and given the importance of this future operation, I thought it would be easier to ask him for the permission to start the undercover operation, and even though I think you are a very important asset to our team, I just want to make sure all of the chances are on my side." She smiles at him and his features soften as he understands what she meant.

"Very well, Detective." He reluctantly agrees. "Although I don't understand why this imp is so set on getting rid of me, I get your point." He smirks. "I'll forgive you, if you come by later and fill me in on the details, AND bring some burgers along. I think it's time we have a do-over, don't you agree?"

Chloe smiles, surprised, as she recalls their ruined meal. They were supposed to meet one evening after they closed a case to have a celebratory burger in a nearby bar, but a fight exploded under the pretence that Lucifer hit on one of the regulars' girlfriend, and put a premature end to their near-date as Doctor Martin called it. Both hadn't mentioned the moment since it happened months ago, which is why it was unexpected to her that Lucifer decided to bring it up now, but at the same time, he was Lucifer, so anything could happen when he was involved.

"I'll stop by later to fill you in, and I'll bring burgers." She winks and Lucifer closes the door and heads for Lux.

After some intense negotiations, Chloe finally managed to get her boss' approval to build the undercover operation. He was rather open to it until she mentioned Lucifer's name. It took all of her restraints and self-control to not just tell this idiot to go to Hell, but in the end, she managed to convince him that if they caught the killer this way, he would be the one to get the glory, hence helping his career to move forward and scratch his ego in the process. After he agreed to have Lucifer on-board, the rest was easy and he let her choose her surveillance and tactical team, including a brunette forensic scientist. She left his office, happy with herself and headed for Ella's lab, but she was MIA. She stumbled on Dan on her way back to her office.

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