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Lucifer manages to catch up with Chloe before she can get away from him. He calls out to her, not exactly sure how much of his conversation with Linda she overheard.

"Detective, wait!"

Chloe stops and turns around, feeling like a kid caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar. But also very curious to find out what explanation he has for her.

"Detective, it's not what you think," he starts.

"So you didn't call your therapist, who also happens to be my friend, to tell her about your freak out because we made out like teenagers in the kitchen?" she answers, her lingering frustration at their shortened moment evident in her voice.

"Okay, so it is what you think."


"Why what?"

"Why did you freak out?" she completes. "You're the one who has been trying to sleep with me since the beginning and now that I'm on board, you're running away." She looks in his eyes. "What did I do wrong ? Or is it simply because you've finally won the chase?"

"No!" he quickly answers. "You didn't do anything wrong." He pauses. "It's complicated."

"Then uncomplicate it," she simply replies, her tone firm but also gentle. She waits for him to speak but he remains mute. "You owe me this much. I opened up to you and you ran. How do you think I feel right now?" She takes a breath, aware she may have been a bit harsh with him, but now that she'd opened Pandora's box, she simply needed to know. She looks at him, eyes full of tenderness.

Lucifer opens his mouth to reiterate his previous statement, but then Linda's advice flashes through his mind. "Schrödinger's cat... Well, here goes nothing."


"Maybe we should get a bit of privacy for this, just in case." He walks towards their private quarters. "You should sit down for this," he adds once she's joined him upstairs. "And you'll probably need this as well." He hands her a glass of bourbon and empties the one he poured for himself to get some liquid courage.

"Lucifer, what is going on?" she asks, worried, as she sits down.

"You know how I never hid my devilish identity from you," he starts.

"Lucifer," she says, not in the mood for another of his metaphors. Apparently, her definition of "uncomplicate" and Lucifer's seem very different.

"What if I had proof?" he interrupts her.

"Alright," she slightly smiles. "Do I need to shoot you again?"

"Please don't," he replies, all forms of amusement gone from his features. "It's better if I show you," he finishes.

He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and reopens them. Chloe blinks a few times as if to make sure what she saw was real.

"Lucifer, your eyes..." She finally talks after what feels like an eternity to the Devil. "Your eyes...," she repeats as her brain attempts to reconcile what she just saw and what she's been taught all these years. "So you really are the actual devil?" she finally admits aloud.

"I am indeed," Lucifer replies, not sure how to interpret her reaction.

"So that flash I saw in the broken mirror before I shot you was real?"

"It was." " So far she remains relatively sane, so this is a good thing ". He tells himself.

"So all of it is true," she adds, more for her benefit than his. She pauses to look back into his eyes, which are now back to their usual brown colour. "Can I see it?" She feels the need to see him fully to make sure her brain isn't playing tricks on her. "I mean, can I see your face?"

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