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Previously in One Hell of a Sting :
“ Ella comes down from her rollercoaster and her face becomes serious again. “Jet’s dead.”

“Bugger,” Lucifer huffs, as he knows this was going to complicate their case a lot, as it would mean the LAPD - and most probably Detective Douche - would take on the case, as Chloe is currently unavailable. 


Chloe stops for a moment until the full blast of the news - or rather bomb - Ella shared sinks in.

“What do you mean?” she starts, more out of reflex than anything. “I mean, what  happened? Are you okay?” she immediately adds as concern for her friend takes over.

“I’m fine,” Ella starts. “I wasn’t with him when it happened,” “ and maybe I could have prevented it,” she adds in her mind. “I was supposed to meet him after my session near the pool to chat and check what our next steps would be. I waited for him for a couple of hours, calling and checking around, but when I couldn’t find him, I decided to check his place, just in case,” she pauses, gathering her thoughts. “When I arrived, the front door of his apartment was open, though I could see no sign of forced entry,” she adds, her forensic reflexes kicking in now - both as a way to protect herself and give as many elements to Chloe as she could. “I announced myself a couple of times before I walked in, just to make my presence known in case anyone was still present. When I heard no sounds of a window closing or footsteps, I walked in, disrupting the place as little as I could.” She looks away from Chloe, before she refocuses her attention. “I found him dead in his room, by his computer set up. I didn’t touch  anything to keep the crime scene as preserved as possible for the guys later. Livor mortis was not yet visible, so death happened between twenty minutes and two hours before I got there.”

“Here.” Chloe hands her a glass of water so the brunette can take a break and a breath.

“Thanks,” Ella quickly acknowledges before she continues. “So after I found Jet, I closed the apartment door and tried to call you several times, but when you didn’t pick up, I called Dan to let him know and I hurried here. I was afraid something might have happened to you as well.” She seems to relax visibly now that she got it off of her chest and didn’t have to bear this alone anymore. “But you guys were otherwise busy,” she winks, her tone still a bit worried, but also playful. “Dan told me he should be here soon, he said he would show up to the crime scene first then, heading here to start to question potential witnesses. I’ve told him about the sting in a nutshell, but wasn’t really at the top of my game to tell him more.”

“It’s okay, Ella,” Chloe quickly reassures her. “Why don’t you go sit down for a bit. What matters is that you didn’t get hurt. We’ll figure the rest out as Dan arrives,” Chloe finishes, not really able to do anything without risking their cover, at least until Dan gets here.

Then she realises her clothes are still on the floor, and she’d rather avoid Dan asking questions about this. She starts to pick them up, as Ella heads for her room to rest a bit. She can’t help but replay the moment as she picks her dress from the stairs and smiles. Lucifer sees it and grins, probably thinking the same. She tosses him his shirt and jacket, as well as her dress.

“Instead of smirking, take them to our room,” she says, her tone light. “The last thing I need is for Dan to go all douchey about this,” she adds, barely above a whisper.

“I heard that!” Lucifer says from the top of the stairs.

Chloe ignores him, but grins. She walks to Ella’s room and knocks softly before she opens the door.

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