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As soon as Ella steps into the house she looks like a kid on Christmas morning. She has worked as a forensic scientist for years now, but her job is usually limited to driving to crime scenes and then back to her lab, but never has she yet been offered to take part in a sting operation - until now. It takes all her willpower not to bounce around the place and squeal. This is her first-ever undercover operation, and as a bonus, two of her dearest friends would be with her for this new experience. She turns to face Lucifer and Chloe.

"Oh my God, Guys! Look at this kitchen. It's bigger than my condo." She walks around. The kitchen of the common area is a typical open kitchen with a counter in the middle, mixing the latest technology of domotics and designer appliances perfectly. Almost all of them can be controlled from a smartphone. She then walks into the common dining room. It consists of a huge plain wood dining table and a coffee corner with leather couches and a metal low table, all mixed in a modern/classical style. She jumps on the couch and presses the remote control. A huge flatscreen TV appears from the ceiling. "This place is just amazing!" She adds as she heads towards her own space. Her room is as big as half of the living room and contains a king-sized bed, small office space and her living room. All in all, her space is big enough to be considered a small condo. She comes back and grabs her stuff she dropped somewhere near the couch. "This is going to be SOOOO cool!" She says as she sits back on the sofa.

Chloe smiles at Ella because the situation kinda makes her feel as if Trixie has somehow taken over the brunette body. "Remember Ella, this is a sting operation, not holidays!" The Detective winks and heads to her - or rather their - quarters for the next days or weeks, depending on how it would go.

She lets her bag fall to the floor and finally opens the door. Her jaw drops as she takes in the whole suite. It's decorated with very good tastes and bears a lot of similarities to Lux. She can see the bottom of a huge bed on the other end of the ensuite living-room - to which she doesn't pay too much attention to because it looks very plain compared to the rest of the house and the bedroom. Except for the black marble desk on which she puts her stuff on, and the safe under it in which she'll be able to leave her gun and case information. She walks on and reaches the bedroom. The bed looks really comfortable and spacey, covered with black sheets and A LOT of fluffy cushions. She resists the urge to test it out and continues to walk into the ensuite bathroom and walk-in closet. It is the first time she has ever seen a bathroom that lavish, although she has no doubt Lucifer's bathroom would probably look a lot like this one. Chloe immediately looks for a secondary bed but doesn't find any, and she doesn't need to turn around to see Lucifer's grin as he also takes this new information in.

"I have to say that whoever decorated this place has very good tastes." He walks by the Detective and can see her eye-roll from the corner of his eyes. He continues, still grinning, to walk into the walk-in closet of their suite. "And it seems that all our belongings for this little sting are all here." He browses through his and her clothes. He takes out a lovely red and white summer dress and shows it to Chloe. "Did you pick them out yourself?" He asks, thrilled by the simple garment.

"For some yes." She stops herself from adding that she picked this one on purpose because she probably thought he would like it. "The precinct picked the rest after I gave them some examples of what I had in mind. We're not all control freaks when it comes to how we dress, Lucifer..." She adds as she knows he made sure to pick ALL his suits himself.

"Well, this one is positively sinful, Darling," he replies as he puts the dress back.

"I..." Chloe starts, but before she can continue, a cheerful voice interrupts them. "Wooooow!" Ella says. "This place is even sicker than mine!" She completes as she walks in. Then she smiles. "One bed though..." She winks at Chloe.

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