Chapter 4

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It was late in the morning when Lynn kissed Crystal good bye and headed out to give Chase a ride back to his truck. When they pulled into the parking lot chase looked over at her with a shit eating grin on his face. "That was pretty damn fun last night. I'm hoping we can do that again real soon babe." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I bet you do..." She smirked with a side glance.

"So tell me, when are you coming home for good?" He asked skimming his hand along her thigh.

"Never." She laughed.


"I came back home for a reason, and that mission is just about complete. But after that, I never want to see this damn city ever again." She growled.

"But last night, with Crystal, you made it sound like you were coming back to Hollywood... for good." He replied.

"I know what I said Chase." She shrugged.

"So this is it, really?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. But hey, don't hook back up with that little barracuda. She'll eat you up and spit you out without a second thought."

"Yeah, I know but still..." He grinned.

"No, I mean it. Crystal's had you once, you can count on her to be back, and that's a whole mess of trouble you don't want to get entangled in. Just because she's pretty on the outside, doesn't mean she's pretty on the inside buddy." She warned.

"Lynn, you're the fucking hot one in my book baby. I mean I know who she is and all that shit, but she was just a play toy for the night. But I've been around long enough to know the really deal when I see it, and you baby, you are as real as it gets." He chuckled.

"I always try to keep it real." She smiled.

"So I guess this is it then."

"Yeah, but it's been fun, hasn't it?" She whispered as her head fell against the leather seat looking at the man who'd been her play toy in many nightly romps.

"It's been fucking amazing."

"Yeah, it was."

"See you around wild one." He murmured, kissing her lips one last time before he got out and shut the door behind him. He waved once when she looked into the review mirror and smiled.

With all the photos she got last night, hell the videos, the first part of her plan was done and Crystal played it perfectly... stupid, stupid, girl. The last part of this plan was going to be a mother fucker, but it was something that had to be done.

She'd went to the hotel room, called Sammy, and then took a long hot shower, and mentally preparing herself for what she was about to do next. When she felt better she ordered some food and packed all her bags so she would be ready to head out when it was done.

Once everything was done she smoothed down her silver sequined skirt and tucked the front part of her black pack man T, and made sure her bright yellow heels where laced just right. She had a very causal sexy thing going on and it was just the thing to turn a certain man...

She walked over to the large mirror and took a good at herself. "Damn you look tired, so tired. You're going to have to slow down some day you know..." She sighed, but then shook her head.

Now that everything was set and in place for her and Addison with the B&T label, she felt finally secure in the next part of their lives.

Addison has been texting her with all the updates on Win's condition and treatment, and it wasn't looking good. The treatments where making him worse than the disease itself. All Lynn wanted to do now was finish what she started and get her ass back home to the girls and her Godson.

The Wild One Vol. 3 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now