Chapter 15

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The bar was pretty busy for a Wednesday night and that's exactly what she needed to get her mind off a certain man. When she strolled up into the bar she saw some of the ladies of work sitting around a table drinking. She walked on over with her fake smile plastered on and draped her arm over one of them... "Hello ladies, can I join you these evening?"

Tammy, who was an LVN at the hospital, smirked over at Lynn. "Well hell, and here I thought you went all straight lace on us."

Lynn sat down next to a Paula, who was a RN also, and stole her shot and threw it back. "Hey Lynn. That shits not cheap!"

"The next ones on me. I just needed to get warmed up is all?" She winked.

"Fine. Then order me another one... or three. I've had a day from hell." Paula groaned.

"Yeah, what happened?" Lynn sat back.

Tammy sat forward. "First she had a guy with the flue that, couldn't keep anything in his body." She snickered. "It was nasty..."

"Nasty like personality, or like nasty, nasty?" Lynn questioned.

"Like really nasty..." Paula groaned.

"Oh man that sucks." Lynn chuckled. "I hate those kinds of days." She said with a smile, then order everyone at the table a shot.

After Lynn had a couple more shots down her, her mind wasn't as numb as she wanted it to be. In fact, sexy dark eyes were still vivid in her head. "So what else happened on this hump day from hell?" She smiled.

Paula sat back crossing her arms. "They called Dr. Ethen Spencer in today because Dr. Adams had a family emergency..." She rolled her eyes.

"Wow, Henry didn't come in today? Something bad must've happened. That man doesn't miss work for anything, ever." Lynn admitted.

Tammy kicked her feet up and crossed her arms. "Yeah well, we all had to deal with Mr. touchy feely all damn day. And let me tell you it was so busy that and then trying not run into that ass... but you'd never guess what he did to me today..."

"Don't tell me, he came up from behind and grinded you." She said with a snake of her head.

Tammy's mouth dropped and eyes widened. "Hell no. He just cupped my ass with his hand. If he would've done something like that..."

Lynn took a drink of the beer and shrugged. "Yeah well he's done that one to me. That man is a sick perverted bastard. And for me to be saying that... shit, that says a lot!" She laughed, and all the girls joined in.

Tracie snickered as her head tilted at the bar. "Look who decided to come to the bar tonight." She hinted and all of them peaked over at who she was talking about. "Lord, remind me not to go near him. He's like a dog. My leg might get dry humped if I turn my back!" She started cracking up, and Lynn couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey ladies..." Jake came over in his scrubs.

"Hey!" The ladies giggled at the massive hottie. But he grinned and winked over to Lynn.

"Hey sweetheart. Haven't seen you in a while." He smiled.

"Yeah, how have you been?" She asked.

"Good... you?"

"Doing okay." She shrugged.

He looked her over and was about to say something, when her cell started to ring. She saw Addison number and sighed and wondered if she was calling because there was a problem with Win, or a problem with Nickels... her guess, it was the latter. The cell stopped, but then started again.

The Wild One Vol. 3 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now