Chapter 13

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The apartment light was already on when she pulled up into her parking spot at nine twenty that night. Her head fell back against the seat as all the things that happened today came back to her mind. Dax has been a real-life saver over the last month in helping Addison with Win. Even staying over to help Ad in the middle of the night with Win so she could get some sleep. But Lynn saw today, was way beyond bad.

For a long time now, she knew that Mindy had some, issues, with her obsession over Dax. But over the last year Mindy seemed to have moved on, and Lynn knew that she was completely in love with Paul. But Paul wasn't Dax, and her being around Dax... wasn't healthy.

That man had made some long, deep, festering, wounds in that woman, and even after a year of dating someone else, the crakes that he caused... they show through sometimes.

When Nickels, Jones, and Howie left later on that day, Mindy and Paul had come over to check on Ad and Win. She was holding a fussy Justin, who was ready to be nursed, back to Addison while they were talking.

Paul walked in giving him and Mindy a beer from the fridge and teased her, and it was nice seeing Mindy laughing and happy for a change. Mindy and Dax moving on from each other was the best medicine for the both of them, especially Mindy... or that's what she thought anyways.

Today had been a rough day. The chemo Win was on wasn't making him any better, in fact, it was destroying him. It seemed no matter what they tried, the poor man was just getting sicker by the day.

Addison was always strong around Win, and everyone else. She never wanted to show just how devastated she was watching the man she loved wither away to nothing. But tonight, that mask she wore was shattered. That's when all the shit went down, and the truth came out... for everyone to see.

Lynn was in the kitchen getting ready to leave with Ad, Mindy, and Paul, when Dax walked in from the back rooms. The happy smile slipped from Mindy's face, but she quickly put it back on and got closer to Paul, and that's when she saw the gaping crakes that Dax had caused.

He'd come out to let Ad know that J.W. had fallen asleep next to Win, and that he'd made sure that they were both good before he left them. After Dax said that, Lynn glanced over to Addison and saw her lip tremble, only to make it stop.

Whenever she thought about little J.W. not wanting to leave Winston's side, she almost broke down in tears herself. That little boy had to sleep next to his daddy every night. That's where he ate dinner, colored in his coloring books, he even pulled his toy box into the bedroom, so he could play by the side of the bed.

Ad nodded, but didn't say anything, didn't smile, didn't say thank you, just nodded fighting to keep her mask in place. Lynn came up, put her arm around her, just so Addison knew that she was there for her. Ad laid her head on the side of her shoulder and sighed rocking the baby in her arms.

They were just standing there talking, when Paul asked what made them move from Cleveland to Nashville. Mindy laughed and started telling him about their first gig in Cleveland, and how they meet Win... and that when Addison completely lost it.

A couple tears started to roll down her face, then it turned into big heaping quite sobs that she couldn't control. That was when Dax came and scooped Addison up in his arms, baby and all, and went over to the couch to sit and comfort her. He held her in his arms, pulling the hair from her face, kissing the side of her head, and whispered in her ear, trying to comfort her.

The look on Mindy's face at first was sadness, for Addison. But as she watched Dax, and the way he treated Ad, the loving way he spoke to her, touched her and her baby, Mindy's eyes widened as she realized the truth. Dax was, and always has been... in love with Addison.

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