Chapter 11

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Nickels has been gone for a month already, but it was strange that it felt so much longer. He had to head back to California get the next album finished. She'd forgotten all about these kinds of girly feelings she could have for that man.

He'd call her every morning, to be sure he told her that he loved her and call her at night so they could talk about their days. And even though he couldn't physically have her body every night... she made sure he was moaning her name before he went to bed.

She'd had a couple calls from some past 'friends' wondering if she wanted to go out, maybe have a little fun, but she said no. Then informed all her past play toys that she was now seeing someone exclusively. No one gave her any grief over it, she even had a couple girlfriends congratulated her.

Life had become much quieter lately, and she liked it. She had been helping Margie with a sick baby, and two wild little boys with tones of energy, and she loved to do. So between the girls, her job, the music, and the one man who was now back in her life, it was enough to keep her busy, and content, for a very long time.

It was Friday and the hospital had been pretty quiet and Lynn was just finishing up her shift. A couple weeks ago she asked for some time off from work, so she could help Addison after the baby came, and today was her last day. All the girls were on speed dial incase Addison went into labor. Now the poor thing was overdue, and on top of that Win had been pretty damn sick lately.

Addison was in her nesting phase and was of cleaning everything in sight and driving everyone crazy on how hard she was pushing herself. So, Lynn decided to head over to D'Angelo's pizza place, and picking up the "Pregnancy pizza". It was 'famous' for making all the, overdue, pregnant woman, go into labor, or at least that was the claim. It was even listed as the prago pizza, so she thought... What the hell?

She was finishing up the last around that evening when she just got a text from Tia that she ordered the pizza. She was just signing off on a couple patience charts before she left, when Dr. Cruz walked by. "Lynn, could you make sure the patent in five got her paperwork and prescriptions for me before you leave?" He asked over her shoulder, and much to close.

"Yeah, sure Ethen. Just give me a sec." She sighed, ignoring his advances while she wrote. But he didn't move, just stood there, literally breathing down her neck...

This guy has been just pissing her off lately. He'd made some comments a couple months ago about them hooking up, and she just tried to play it off as a joke, but he wasn't taking the hint. There was just something she didn't like about this guy, doctor or not. And when it came to fooling around with someone... she'd learned a long time ago, never ignore her gut feelings.

"Maybe I can give you a little something extra for doing me the favor." He chuckled in her ear.

She tried not to cringe away, and just act like everything was normal, and he was just screwing around. In her experience, most men understood the 'fuck off, not interested' treatment right away, but this guy... "No I'm good, but thanks." She forced a chuckle, keeping her head down, still continuing to work.

That's when she felt him push his erection into her ass, and she stopped. "What the hell!" She growled under her breath looking to see if anyone was watching. But that dick found the perfect opportunity to harass her, because it seemed at the moment, everyone was off the floor.

"What, I know the kind of shit you're into... hell, wouldn't be kinky as fuck if I just took you right? I mean, aren't you supposed to be the bad girl?" He chuckled, feeling up her ass before walking away. "You're the best Lynn! See you in a couple weeks!"

"Yeah, whatever asshole. Think whatever you like, but you're not getting into my pants... damn sicko!" She murmured under her breath. She glanced to the side making sure he was gone, and shook her head before checking on the last patient.

The Wild One Vol. 3 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now