Chapter 12

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It was early morning when Nickels drove up to Addie's place, and there by Dax ride, that was already siting in the driveway, was Lynn's car. He rolled his eyes at the thought of Dax and parked his rental next to the curb. He sat back looking Addie's house and pulled out a smoke to light it before going in to see Lynn.

When he called this morning when he got in, she didn't pick up her cell. So when he drove by her apartment complex and didn't see her car in her spot, he knew right away where he could find her... Addie's.

He took a deep drag, thinking about Jimmy still working on the album last night. Nickels wanted to come back to Nashville much sooner, but Jimmy took a hell of a lot longer to finish up the album cover then he'd expected. Then after Crystal showed up, Jim was really quiet and even more anal than ever.

So when he hopped the next red eye to Nashville, the only thing he had on his mind was to see his girl, and make love to her all day long. Then when the night came, he was going to tell her how much he loved her, fucking needed her, and that they're getting married. Now he was just hoping that it was going to be that easy... but with Lynn, you just never knew.

He was done with living separate lives, but he also didn't know if he wanted her to come back home either. After all that shit that went down with Jones and Margie over Crystal... damn, he was thinking having Lynn in California could be a very, very, bad idea for his ass.

He snubbed out his smoke then turned off the engine before walking up to the door. He took one last look at Dax car, and shook his head. He knew that Dax had gotten close to Addie and her new husband over the last couple years, but damn, there was that uneasy feeling in his gut over it.

He knocked on the front door and was surprised when Howie opened it. His hair looked like it hadn't been combed in days, and there were dark bags underneath his eyes, while he rocked a sleeping Erin on his shoulder. "Hey man, what are you doing over at Addie's place?" He asked.

"It's been a long ass week, but it's good to see you brother. Lynn didn't tell us you were on your way back. Dose she even know you were coming out?" Howie asked.

"No, I wanted to surprise her. But I did tell her yesterday that Jimmy was going all OCD with the album and I was thinking of coming back out. Damn, he was driving me nuts, so I told him I was going to see Lynn, and he could put the shit together anyway he wanted..." He started, then glanced behind Howie before saying the rest. "He made this a totally made it Addie. I think, he's thinks, that Addie will hear it... and you know how he can get." He sighed as he walked in.

"Damn man, I know every album we've made over the last few years were for her, but you're right about this one. I could tell when we were recording..." Howie agreed.

"Yeah, so now you know why I left... but when I drove by Lynn's place... I knew where to go."

Howie chuckled, but it wasn't happy. "Like I said, it's been a long week, hell, it's been a long month." Howie frowned shutting the door behind him.

They walked into the front room and saw Tia holding one bundle in her arms, and there was another baby in some kind of swing, while Ella and J.W. were sitting on the floor watching some loud annoying cartoons completely oblivious to his arrival. "So, where is everybody?" He asked.

Howie's hand rubbed little Erin's back and his frown go deeper. "Win's really sick man. The chemo they put him on, well, it's bad."


"Yeah, really. Addie's staying strong, but she's been really tired since having the baby. So Lynn and Dax have been over almost every night helping her. Justin's, got his days and nights mixed up, making it hard for her to get sleep, and with everything that's going on with Win...."

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