Chapter 19: Two In The Same

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The force was an all-encompassing force of energy, flowing through every life form in different frequencies and strengths. It was powerful, and could be taken advantage of and harnessed, or it could be given, making one powerful.

In this moment, the force flowed bright and strong through a young girl, one with unrealized potential and hardship. One who had not yet found her place in the universe.

The force knew, however. It knew Kidara Leno, the jedi who wished not to be, who wanted nothing more than peace and happiness for her loved ones. It knew her attachments and her hatred, her grief and her sadness, and it knew her mind.

Kidara Leno, the bridge between the living force and the living.

The black void of space was aways terrifying yet beautiful to Kidara. The promise of an absolute infinite nothingness, occasionally interrupted by stray planets, stars, asteroids, and grey matter. It was a familiar sight to the padawan, who was no stranger to this vast universe and its dangerous tendencies.

"Subjective isolation" Was the punishment of choice for taking too long to record inventory, which meant Kidara was left in a dark room with nothing but dim lighting, staring into the void of space.

"I wonder how long I've been in here." Kidara mouthed. It had certainly been a long time, but there was no way to tell. It felt like ages since she had been in the storage facilities with Olson, and even longer since she had last seen Obi-Wan. Last seen Ashoka.

Gods, she missed Ashoka.

Closing her eyes, Kidara enveloped herself into the living force. It was becoming easier and easier as her force abilities seemed to grow stronger and more powerful each day. Within the space that occupied her mind Kidara could feel the bonds that had been created. Each one was very different, Ashoka's the strongest and most secure, but Obi-Wans the deepest rooted and most taut. She gave both bonds a reflexive tug, earning waves of calmness and security in return. She felt the most at ease when she would lose herself in the force. It was secure. It was peaceful.

As a Jedi, Kidara knew it was her duty to stay calm and collected in times of terror. A moment in her mind could help ensure that was possible. Obi-Wan had once told her that when he and his master, Qui-Gon, had fought the sith Darth Maul, Qui-Gon used a moment to his advantage to meditate and find his inner security and peace. Kidara wished she could have met him.

Pulling herself from her meditation, Kidara looked around.

She had already glanced quite thoroughly through the room, with nothing better to do, noting every crevasse and durasteel dent, each scratch and the lock on the door, the dim lights on each side of the room, the large vent to her left.

She glanced again, though, and when she got to the end of her memory's list, the vent, it was missing. In its place, was Olson, struggling to crawly through.

"Kriff, Olson, you scared me!"

"Haha," Olson tugged himself through the vent a little harder, to no avail. He looked up pleadingly. "Please help."

Kidara scrambled to get up and pulled a very dusty Olson through the vent. He wasn't in armor, luckily, but rather standard blacks that had been embroidered.

"Did you embroider Scrappy onto your blacks?" Kidara traced her finger over the messy, but still impressive stitching of the droid.

"Uh," He ducked his head down and laughed slightly. "Yes."

"It's impressive," Kidara sat cross-legged across from the clone. "I've never met a vod who customized their blacks before."

"Lots of days spent in the medbay gave me plenty of free time." He closed the vent with a subtle click. "What are you even doing here anyway?"

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