a beautiful mess....

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vanessa's pov

mads and me have been different lately. i dont feel that we are the same since we start dating. every activity that we do together is like weird. when we start dating all i wanted to was our relatioship to be the same, but doing couples things of course. i just want her to be again that icredible best friend, the one who i fell in love with, the one that make me smile just saying hello. our relationship has changed as i said, but not everything is for bad of course. i say that our relationship is different in the way that we arent as together as we were before, she dont even tell me her problems or even normal things like our day and stuff. i will always prefer her like a gf and not like a bestie of course, cause i prefer to kiss her and all thas stuff, but i just want us to be the same than before. i think i will just have to talk to her,  i dont really know if its her or me the one that finds or makes this different, but she always understand me so talking, as she teach me, is always the best option.  now we are both of us chilling on the couch. she laying her beautiful red head in my lap, and me playing with her hair. it was a long time ago since we were as together as today. she was really needy today, and this didnt happened since we started dating.

''um baby?''  i ask

''yes beautiful?'' she answer

''can i tell you something that i feel?? you know, you always tell me that talking is the best wa-'' i said nervously

''yes baby, relax, just tell me'' she answer  cutting me

''ok thanks. well since we started dating um, i feel like our relationship has changed a little bit.  i dont really know how or what but i-''

''omg nessa are you breaking up with me?'' she said againg, cutting me off.

''oh no no baby relax, i will never break up with you, i cant imagine my life without you and you know that'' i said.

''oh um okay sorry continue'' she said

''well as i was saying, i feel like things arent the same as before. i miss you everyday cause we are not even together as we were before, except for today. i dont know, with this i am just trying to say that i want our relationship to be the same than before, of course, having you as a gf, but talking and telling eachother  things like we used to do, like besties. i miss you telling me your problems, i miss laughing everyday at every hour with you, i miss those looong hugs and make out sessions  all the stuff that we used to do together. i miss us. like besties and like a couple'' i tell her

mads stayed in silence and watching me directly in the eyes for like five minutes. i dont really undertsand what was going, so i just said something to break the silence.

''its okay if you dont want to say anything, i what just what i fee-'' i was cutt off by mads lips crushing into mines. we dont kiss like for weeks so i missed a lot these soft pump lips. our mouth move in sink and we kiss slowly and pasionatly. she was on top of me so i moved my hands to her butt and give it a little squeez. ugh i missed this so much, but at the same time all i wanted to is talk and our relationship to be the same than before, so i slowly pull out.  she give me a kiss on the neck and restes her head on my shoulder and letting go a huge sad sight.

''aw everything okay baby?'' i ask her worried. what if she was sad and she didint want me to know it?

''well not at all'' she said.

''you know you can tell me everything right?'' i said trying to give her trust

''yup, i just dont want you to worry'' she said and she stand up and leave. what is going on with mads lately? she dont trust me anymore? i just dont want to presure her, as every couple we have to do 'baby steps' so later i will ask her again. she went to the bedroom and turn the tv on.

''WANNA COME SEE SOMTHING?'' she yell from the bedroom. 

''SURE'' i yell back. i stay in white thinking about all for a minute. i sight and stand up making my self to the bedroom. once i was there i see her in the bed so i go next to her. we cuddle and we watch a movie. after an hour we were both really hungy. 

''wanna eat something?'' i ask her

''sure baby'' she said.

i make my self to the kitchen and i prepair some pasta.  we eat together and we tide up the kitchen. once we were both ready we went to the bedroom and toilet to put our pijamas on and do our night routine, you know, brush out theeth, wash our face and all that stuff. while i was brushing my theeth she came and wrapp her arms around me.

''you know i love you right?'' she said. aww my heart melt. but i need her to tell me why is she sad cause i wont sleep till i know.

''well, i guess so''  i said

''why you guess? I LOVE YOU'' she said

''well because you dont trust me?'' i said

''ughhhh'' she said playfully. she give me a kiss on the neck and and she go to bed.

once we were both on our pijamas and ready to sleep we got into the bed. we were both lying on  the headboard of the bed with our phones, and i could keep it more.

'' madelaine. you know how i am so i wont sleep till you tell me why are you sad okay? please just trust me i wont judge you baby'' i said

she stay in silence looking at me for a minute.

''you promise?'' she said.

'' i promise my love''  i anwer

''well.... at the beggining of the month, when we make our relationship public, my ex... travis, start talking and talking to me every fucking day. i tried to avoid him but he was reeaally intense. once i opened the chat, i read messages like ''you are going to die alone'' ''you are disgusting lesbo'' ''shitty gay'' and all kind of shit like that. one day i woke up and i had like 200 messages from him. i opened the chat cause the first thing that i thougt was like if something happened to him, but insted it were all pics of...... well his private part and telling me like ''i will make you hetero again'' and shit like that. when i saw those pics i just was afraid of you thinking that i cheated on you or something like that. he literally started to abuse me but maybe you could break up with me so i just wanted to be distant from you, so if you break up with me it would be easier? to get over it. so if you want to break u-'' OMG WHAT THE FUCK??? I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL HIM.

''OOMG baby of course not! i will always love you no matter what. i promise that i will protect you and i will fucking kill that fucking perv and ass hole. i LOVE YOU madelaine and nothing would fucking ever change that okay?? you mean everything to me and you are all what i need. thanks for trustinig me and dont ever think of that again ok?'' i said

''okay..... thank you nessa, i love you more'' she said laying her head on my shoulder and falling asleep over me. 

'' sleep well princess''

''you to my love''

i love her so fucking much and i swear to gos tavis will have what he deserves. ugh i hate him.

SOOOOO GUYSSSSSSSS i hope u like ittttt please voteee and comment what woud u like to see soon :))))

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