Finally public

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Madelaine's pov

nessa and i fell in love 4 months and 9 days ago, and since then we are dating. well to be honest i am in love with her for longer but there its when i realized that she was too, so we get together. anyone except our close friends and family knows, cause we decided to keep it private. we both now that most of the people want us together but we decided not to tell anyone.

-flashback June 9- 

''nessa'' mads said

''what bby'' nessa answered

''well, i know maybe its not the right place, or the right time. but since i meet you i feel something i have never felt before, and we both went throgh a lot of thing together, you alredy know how much i love you and all what you mean to me, so will you make me the pleasure og being my girlfriend?'' mads nervously asked

''omg princess of course, come here'' vanessa said leaning over for a kiss. they make out in the couch and then they cuddle together. 

(after some minutes)

''baby'' nessa said

''what my love?'' 

'' dont you think that we should keep it private for our fans? i know maybeit sounds mean, but i think that its the best to keep it private, we alredy know how most of the oupes ends when they get public'' 

''yeah i think it too, lets just tell our closest friends and family. but no matter how private we keep it, sooner or later they will figure out, there are paparazzis everywhere'' madelaine said

''yup, lets keep it private till they realize, if the start making theories and stuff, then we will tell them'' vanessa said

''yeah lets do that, now come here'' madelaine said touching her neck. vanessa rest her head on madelaine's neck and they took a nap since they dont have so many scenes to shot.

-end of flashback-

(Still mads pov)

we both known that sooner or later they will figure out, and we keep it very well, but obviously i didnt think they will figure out today, when rumors of a girl that see us kissing in my car started to explode all ver the internet. now i am in home, with nessa of course. 

''BABY'' nessa shouted from the living room

''WHAT'' i answered, she probably is going to talk about the rumors.

''HAVE YOU SEEN IT?'' she yell. i stand up of the bed and i go to her, to stop yelling. 

''yup'' i answered sitting next to her

'what do you think? should we tell them? '' nessa said

''well i thik its time'' i said. i am nevous alredy. 

''uhhh okay, how do we do it?'' she asked

''i will post a kiss from the show and put something in the caption, making them understand its real'' i said

''kk i will do the same then'' she said

''which kiss are u going to choose?'' i asked her, i am planing on using the one where cheryl show the pretty poisons to toni, there i was falling in love w her. 

'' the one where i fall in love'' she said

''in wich one?'' i asked 

''the one that wasnt scripted remember? the one where i missed kissing you so much that i invent a kiss in the moment, and when u asked me why i kiss you i said that it was for our choni fans'' she explained. aw i remember that kiss, so cute.

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