doing my best

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vanessa's pov

So the thing is like this. Me and michael broke up a few months ago, when he decided to leave me as soon as he figure out that we were having a kid. he really hurt me, and i thought for a moment that he was really the love of my life, and because of that we married that soon. we werent even together 2 years, but i thought we were big enough t know that we wanted to live the rest of our life with eachother, but i dont think it was like that. To resume he was so inmadure sometimes....

as soon as we broke up i tell mads, cause she is my best friend and she is always there for me. they were difficult moments, and she was always there for me. chering me up in the worst moments, and making thing even happier in the best ones. she is just like an angel. and i couldnt be more thanksfull for her. And because of that, and being extremly worried if i will loose her, i never ever tell her that maybe i feel something more with her. she is just so good to this world, so i am really scared of loosing her. but lately i feel like telling her, some things happen when we both are single.

- flash back 1- 

me and mads were in my house, in the couch. everything was normal till she starts aproaching to me, like kind of cuddling. my heart start beating fast and my cheecks to burn, but i continue normal. she put her head onthe crock of my neck and her hand on my small tummy. 

''we are gonna be the best parents nessa'' she said. wait we? i mean i would love to but is she for real? i thought to my head

''we mads?'' i ask confused, but like a good confuse

''well since we both are single..'' she said aproaching to my face

'' i think we should go in this one together, as we do in every single thing in our life'' she continue. our mouthes were just inches away and thats was all in what i could pay attention to. i dont even heard what she says and all i think now is her kissing me, but i was taken out of my thoughts by her standing up and going to the fridge.

''do you want water?'' she asked

i clear my throat and said ''y-yes please'' i have never been this close to her mouth off the show, and it just feels ten times better. but i am still confuse, maybe she was just close but she didnt feel nothing, on maybe she do, but i will never know cause i will never tell her about my feelings. i am just to insecure for this.

- end of flash back 1-

(back to nessa's pov)

that day i couldnt sleep. i was thinking of her, of her and of her. my mind was just repeating her name. Madelaine. Madelaine. Madelaine. the love of my life, in other words. but i wasnt ready to tell her. but some things continue happening, and what happened now made me realize that today was the day to finally tell her, and be honest to her.

- flash back 2- 

i was feeling really bad today, it was literaly the worst day since i am pregnant. the sense of thinking that i was going to threw up every time i moved a single finger was horrible, but i am pretty sure that it would be a lot harder if she wasnt here. 

she followed my everywhere, she asked me if i needed anything at any time, she kept an eye on my in every single moved i made. and that, for the first time in my life,made me feel really really loved. she is really an angel. thanks god i started to feel better later that same day. 

''are you okay now nessa? if you need anything please let me know, i am here okay?'' she said

''yes baby i know, thanks'' fuck i tell her baby without wanting to. fuck i am falling 

''i like that nickname, i would love to hear it every day'' she said. my heart stopped, and my stomach started to hurt, but not like before, it was a good feeling. 

''w-well then i-i would say it more o-often'' i said traying not to sound nervous. 

'' i would love to!'' she said and she kiss my cheeck. fuck i am not ready.

-end of flashback 2-

(back to nessa's pov)

i think a lot about this. 

should i tell her?

pros: if she feels the same way, then we could finally be together and i will be more happy than ever. we could be a family, as she said before, and life will be just perfect at her side. plus people ship us till choni's first kiss.

cons: if she dont feel the same way the maybe she thinks that i am a creep and she will go away from me, i will never see her again and i would be th saddest person ever. i would be alone and i will never find another person cause she will be in my mind every single day. plus the fact that i am pregnat and her being my gf makes her a step mother may fright her.

at the same time all these things that have been happening between us are the only things that encourage me to do this, and to make her mine after 4 years of friendship. 

''mads?'' i call her, she was sitting in the table and i was on the couch

''yup you need anthing?'' she asked

''you are too cute, but you dont need to always ask me okay?'' i said to her, for her to relax. she is all the time all over me asking me if i need anything, and it makes my heart melt but i dont want her to worry that much. 

''oh okay, i just try to do my best, to my best ;)'' she said. ugh i love heeeeer

''i want to ask you something, well mostly tell you, something'' i said nervously

''oh okay go ahead'' she said

''w-well lately i been feeling different about us. its just the way you worry too much about me, and i think that i never felt this loved and this accompanied and having you always here wth me make me realize how much...... in love i am with you. and i know that this maybe is weird, cause i am pregnant, so if you maybe thing that i am creep or something just telll me but please dont leave me cause i need you always'' i said playing with my fingers and lookig down.  i felt her hand on my chin, raising my head up.

''baby baby, stop talking, you are getting so nervous and its going to be bad for the baby'' she said as she sat down next to me, and as she grabbed my hands. 

''i am glad you finally say it, i have been feeling the same way for too long and i wasnt confortable saying it cause maybe you didnt wanted anything with anyone because of this'' she put her hand on my belly. 

''but now that you say it i am the most exited person knowing that maybe someday i will a ...........step mother?'' she said. i am so so glad shefeels the same way....... i love her sm

''well i am sure you are going to be the best one, and thank you for making me feel loved and especial always, you are a real angel'' i said to her.

''nope, you are the one'' she said, pecking my lips. i fastly grabb her face again asking for more. finally i am truly happy. shes the love of my life, she really is.

SOOO GUYSSS i hope u like this one, in the last one they ask me to make one w nessa pregnant, so this is what it came to my mind, its not that good i know :) but i hope u enjoy it and sorry 4 all the speeling mistakes. thanks 4 reading love u all ❤❤❤❤❤

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