Chapter 3

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"What?! No way, nu-uh Cassy-Cat. So what happened next?"

Cassandra smiled and sipped her Lipton black tea before setting it down on the tea table in front of her. They have been talking for what seemed like hours to Cassandra. She felt a warm bubbly feeling inside of her as she recollected her misadventures. Cassandra told Jane about the assignments she took over the months. She was first assigned to knock out a criminal who was blackmailing several bank companies in Missouri, who wanted to get revenge because of being in debt from them in years. That took her almost half a month to track them. Then she moved on when she was to disguise herself as a teacher at a school in Kansas, which thanked God that Cassandra didn't need to travel so far because someone was selling cocaine in and out of school. Jane enthusiastically asked her if she dressed up as a "sexy and alluring teacher," to seduce the students there.

Cassandra blushed at her friends comment but laughed and said no, only a simple and boring teacher so she wouldn't get so suspicious there. The other cases she took were easy and boring too, like catching unwanted criminals from Texas to New Mexico, who did stupid crimes and stealing precious artifacts from owners that didn't belong to them, then to New York to all the way in South Carolina.

Jane awed her best friend, her baby blue eyes full of mischief and excitement, "Wow Cassy-Cat. Your are one lucky girl to travel all over the States. I wish I came along with you. Then we would have been Team Da-Bomb Diggidy!"

Cassandra burst out laughing at the thought, "Team Da-Bomb Diggidy?! What?! Now way Jane!"

Jane rolled her eyes, "I'm just joking, but no, seriously, the next time you disappear on my ass, at least text me or send me a note or an SOS that it is just to further enhance your training."

Cassandra thought for a moment which earned Jane a glare. She held up both hands in surrender. Jane giggled and stood up to refill her cup. She motioned to her friend and Cassandra shook her head as she wiped her tears and smiled. Jane leaned against her office wall and drank.

She said, "So tell me, what happened next when you teamed up with this hunk of a British Zane what's his face?"

Cassandra scowled, "Well, after we managed to rescue the children from the house that the criminal managed to catch fire too, Zane and I chased after him along with his accomplices and took them out. I managed to wrestle him to the ground and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine while Zane handled the other two. He tied both of them to a tree in the backyard. Then he grabbed the damn jerk and went on beating the crap out of him when I already did."

Jane rolled her eyes, "What a show-off trying to impress you when you already finished the job."

"Dang right I did. He even wanted to take all of the credit when CLEARLY, I did MOST of the work."

She raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Cassandra nodded and adjusted her jacket and pack on the sofa. Jane took a sip of her tea again and wiggled her eyebrows at her friend, "So..."

Cassandra looked up at her, her expression puzzled. "So what?"

Jane scoffed, "Please tell me woman that you got some piece of that package of his and that you two decided to go all out."

Cassandra continued to look confused when realization dawned on her. She blushed at the memory from two years ago. Oh dear...

Jane squealed so loudly that her voice could have been heard from Alcatraz. Cassandra covered her ears as she was once again tackled by her friend, only this time, on the couch.

She groaned and rubbed the back of her head that was bumped against the couch's armrest. "Shit woman! What is with you and tackling people?! I swear I think you will tackle your husband-to-be at the wedding when you lastly say, 'I do' !"

An event that happened over the past months was that Jane was engaged to her boyfriend, Ryan Smith. Cassandra barely knew Ryan when he was first scouted in the agency, the two women met him when he "coincidentally" bumped into them when he was given the beginning orientation. She snorted at the thought, so I guess true love can happen at first sight.

Ryan was a scientific experimentalist in the agency and they have been lovey-dovey for three years. A perfect match one could say. When Ryan proposed to her one morning, Jane immediately tackled him to the ground which meant to Ryan as a yes. The wedding was in a month from March and Cassandra was, of course, invited and to be her best friends Maid of Honor. Cassandra refused to be it for she was not fond with all of the goody-goody princess fairytale stuff, but gave up when Jane gave her the puppy-dog look, which earned another tackle from her best friend.

Cassandra sighed at the thought. A lot of things have happened so fast. I'm back home and my best friend and sister is already getting married. She looked down at the twenty-three year-old woman that was still hugging her tightly. She smiled and hugged her back, being thankful that she can have a best friend like Jane.

They both hugged each other for a while longer when they heard a knock and then a door opening. A young man with messy brown hair and worried brown eyes peeked though the door, "Honey? Is everything alright? I thought I heard a scream coming from here?"

The man's eyes widened suddenly when he saw his fiancé and the visitor on the couch. His jaw dropped and his glasses fell slightly from his nose. Jane giggled, stood up from the couch and pecked her lover on the cheek. He shook his head and smiled at Cassandra, welcoming her with open arms.

"Cassandra? Is that really you?! Come here!"

Cassandra giggled and returned the hug before ruffling his hair. "Hey Ryan! It's great to see you, I'm back, well and fit and I see that things have progressed between you and Jane!"

Ryan blushed slightly and wrapped his arm around his fiancé as he pecked her on the forehead. He chuckled, "So you've heard the news? Yeah, me and Jane are going to get married next month. We're happy that you will be there and Jane's Maid of Honor. Say, where have you been all this time? You've disappeared-"

Jane elbowed him in the stomach before he could finish his sentence, "Oh Ryan, I'll tell you everything about her adventures back home. Right now, Cassandra has to leave and report back to the director now. Right Cassy-Cat?"

"Ah! That's right." She gave the couple a hug before getting her stuff. She smiled at them, "Well, I'll see you two later and we'll catch up with each other with dinner okay?"

They nodded as they waved goodbye to their friend as she walked out the door. Once they were alone, Ryan then pulled Jane to him and kissed her deeply on her plump lips. She kissed him back with equal passion, putting her hands in his hair, refusing to pull away from him. They broke apart, breathless and he kissed her forehead.

"Mmm, I've missed you Jane."

Jane happily sighed at the sound of her name on his lips. She giggled, her blue eyes twinkling in the light, "Oh sweetie, it's only been a couple of hours, you know?"

He chuckled then pecked her on the lips, "I know. It's just hard being away from my doctor, you know? I just thought that I needed a check-up every now and-"

Jane tackled him to the couch before he could say anymore. Their laughters echoing in the hallways.

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