Chapter 2

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Cassandra yawned as she stretched her body on the bed. She groaned and opened one tired eyelid and glanced at the clock. It was only a quarter after eight. Yawning again, she rolled on her side and tucked herself more in the covers. Her eyes snapped open.

A quarter after eight?

"Shit! I'm late!"

She got up from the bed only to be tangled up in the sheet covers, falling hard on the floor.


At least that woke her up.

She stood up and limped to the closet, picking the clothes she laundered at the motel yesterday. Cassandra carried light clothing with her when traveling because some clothing can be replaced and she had the currency to buy more if anything happened. In worst case scenarios, there was always option B which was to "borrow" clothing from others. She pulled out simple blue Levi jeans, a black t-shirt and socks, and her navy blue jacket. Taking the clothes to the bathroom, she undressed and turned on the water in the shower, the quick cold instantly awoke her before changing to hot.

Feeling refreshed and awake, Cassandra checked thoroughly in her room one last time before heading downstairs to check out at the receptionist.

"Hmm, suitcase and wallet, check. Clothes and keys, check. Well, that's just about everything I have anyway. Wait, wears my helmet?"

Looking around the room, her helmet was nowhere in sight. She frowned, trying to remember where she hid it. She crouched under the bed.

Found it.

With one last look around, she grabbed her suitcase and helmet and left the room. Instead of taking the elevator, Cassandra walked downstairs meaning to get the exercise. She paid for her night at the main receptionist in the hall and thanked them for the stay.

Out the door, Cassandra stopped and breathed in the air around her. Ah, nothing more than a good old fresh air in California.

The sun was almost mid-high in the sky, welcoming her to join in the day. The streets were packed with people coming out of their homes and going to work or whatever business they had throughout today. A couple of songbirds was perched nearby on a tree branch, grooming themselves and chirping to each other. Squirrels chattered and carried nuts in their checks to store for the upcoming winter and bugs which she did not miss buzzed around her.

She swatted the damn things and walked to the parking lot where her ride rested. A BMW T Minus R Nine. The colors were red and black with a radio and communicator in front while a tiny refrigerator in the back. The size was big and could fit for two people, but for Cassandra, the size didn't matter because she loved it when she first set eyes on it at the pawn shop. With a few kinks here and there and waxing the bike, it looked brand New. She put on her helmet and ignited the engine. It roared to life and Cassandra smiled even more. It was the third thing she loved about in her life.

After her successful "thieving" as she called it in her vocabulary book, and retrieving the files and documents and returning it to its rightful owner, Cassandra decided to head back to her agency in San Francisco than directly using the telecom on her phone that she used from them to report about her latest missions that she completed over the months she was away. She hesitated inwardly of seeing her comrades and family there again.

It's been five years, she thought.

Yes indeed, five years since she went on countless of missions throughout the states, and doing all kinds of adventurous extravaganzas that involved thieving and scaling walls, breaking into public property and even gambling. Now don't get her wrong, it's true it's illegal to do some of these kinds of acts, BUT, since her agency, the U.S. GSP, or another word for United States Government Secret Provisions, that was built so long ago by the government, they could do whatever they wanted, well, MOSTLY everything. There was, of course, limitations, as long as they followed the rules, and were kept a secret from the public and the outside world. After all, the actions and assignments they do go beyond the human acknowledgments in the world, even their technology. It was like they were secret superheroes. The pay was great however, depending on the employer, and the individuals who were seeked out with impressive skills became part of the agency and were trained very well. In due time too, the public will soon know of them in the future.

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