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[eddie's pov]

"got bobby nash on the line. says it's important."

i looked around at my friends, confused at the vague message. we were called in because of a bomb threat, bobby is still on break...

"wait, what? dispatch?" chimney spoke into the radio but got no response. "dispatch, please repeat-"

chim was cut off by an explosion on the fire truck that was accompanying us. the one that buck was in.

[buck's pov]

i slowly came to, feeling around the asphalt to check my surroundings. i was met with something worse. i pushed myself forward but my leg was caught underneath the overturned truck.

"ow.. oh..." i panted as i tried to gently pull my leg free. i caught sight of a silhouette walking towards me before i could continue. 

my blurry gaze followed up their legs to see explosives strapped to every inch on their chest. their face looked young, barely eighteen maybe.

"you're new," the kid stated, terrifyingly calm.

i looked down his arm, seeing a detonator in his hand. he's the one who did this..

[eddie's pov]

hen, chimney, and i hid behind another truck, peering over the side. hoping for
the situation to de-escalate, for the kid to come to his senses.

"get me the captain!" the kid yelled, raising the detonator in the air, ready to blow up buck and other bystanders. "where's the captain?!"

a wounded firefighter near him tried discreetly shuffling away, but the kid caught him.

"hey. i told you not to move."

before the teen could do anything, chim walked out in the open with his hands in the air.

"i'm the captain, okay?" chim tried to reason with him. "i'm the captain, so please just let me help them, okay? please."

"no. no, i don't want you."

[buck's pov]

i could hear bits and pieces of the struggle happening around me, but the ringing in my ears never left. for the first time in forever, i prayed. to whomever, i actually prayed.

anyone out there. god, karma, the universe. please let everyone else be okay. let me be okay. i- i wanna get back to maddie and chim and hen a-and... eddie. at least let me live long enough to tell him. if i do make it out, i'll tell him everything. promis-

"-still with us, buck?" chim called, knocking me out my prayer.

"buck, how are we doing?" hen asked me.

"k- kind of numb," my voice faltered, making me feel even more scared.

"i'm gonna run two lines."

"skin is cold and pale," another voice said, but i was too lazy to even identify them.

"all right."

"push sodium bicarbonate. hang in there, buckaroo."

i weakly nodded my head as i felt my eyes droop.

"hang on, buck." was that eddie? i smiled to myself, my chapped lips stinging with pain. at least he was okay, and i can finally have the chance to come clean. thank you, universe.

i tried my best to relax as chim blabbled what seemed like nonsense through his walkie-talkie. something about more backup. i focused on my breathing as i watched my crew mates gather around the truck.


i felt a wave of sharp pangs shoot up my leg as everyone tried to tilt the truck over. all it did was make it hurt more.

"we need more people!"

"i'll radio again..."

i gasped for air, bracing myself for the next attempt. instead, my ears were met with what sounded like a stampede. i strained my eyes to see all the bystanders from before, rushing over to surround the truck.

"on three!"

i bit down on my lip, ripping through tissue and causing blood to trickle into my mouth. next thing i knew i was being dragged out from the truck and lifted onto a board.

"stay with us buck."

"just stay with us, kid."

i saw eddie out of the corner of my eye, and i felt the rush of emotions hit me like a truck. literally. i pursed my lips as tears streamed down my face, hopefully being concealed with my blood so nobody notices. 

[months later]

i walked inside bobby and his wife's place, excited that i'm out the cast for good-

"—SURPRISE!" i jumped back as i scanned the living room, seeing decorations and all my friends with party favors.

"did you do this?" i asked hen and athena, feeling my cheeks get pink.

eddie engulfed me first, followed by bobby, hen, and everybody else. i received millions of gifts, my favorite being a card christopher made me.

i lastly made my way to bobby, so i could thank him for all that he's done.

"thank you for being there, you know, for the surgeries and the rehabs. i.. uh. i know i wasn't always the easiest person to be around.."

"oh my god," bobby rolled his eyes at me with a grin, giving me a 'tell me about it' look. "no, you weren't that bad."

"you should-" i began, being cut off with a fit of coughs. "my ex-girlfriend-"

"hey, she just wasn't the right fit," bobby patted my shoulder. "you'll find someone new."

"sorry, i uh..." the coughs didn't cease and began racking my lungs. the vibrations making the next one even worse.

"you okay?" everyone else in earshot had their eyes trained on me now.

"yeah, i-" i stumbled backwards, feeling a red sticky substance exit my throat and hit my fist. more blood dribbled out of my mouth before i collapsed.

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