Chapter 19

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I think Im getting better at updating lol

The group of sins quickly found a nearby village once leaving the fairy realm. Y/n's body on King's Chastiefol, the green spotted pillow safely embracing her wounded figure. King was panicked, as he feared the worst. The group went around the village, asking citizens if they had a doctor anywhere, or if anyone was a doctor for that matter.
The sun was setting when the group finally found a doctor. They introduced themselves as "Dr. Darwin" (I came up with that name literally out of nowhere so) King carefully placed Y/n on the bed. Her body seemed so fragile, like a porcelaine doll that could crack and break any second. Her (s/c) skin now pale and lifeless. If you didn't know what happened, you'd think she was already dead. The group sat in the room, awaiting the Doctor's answer to whether she'd heal or not. "Do you think she'll be alright Captain?" Diane asked Meliodas, even though Diane tended to hate Y/n, she couldn't bare the thought of losing her. She didn't wanna think how King would feel either. "Cmon! You guys know Y/n doesn't just give up! I mean c'mon you'd think she'd let herself go out like this. Not a chance!" Meliodas re-assured the group. His words gave King hope. He stared down at his lover, who layed helplessly on the white sheets, "Dont worry Y/n, you're gonna be fine." King whispered, grabbing her hand softly, in fear of almost hurting her more. When the door squeaked open, revealing the doctor. "I have good news, I can heal the major muscle and tissues that were damaged, along with the nerves. Once I do that I can stitch the rest of the wound up, and she should heal perfectly fine." The doctor said, a smile on his face. Ban let out a sigh of relief. "See, what'd I say?" Meliodas exclaimed with a toothy grin.

The group had left the room to allow the doctor to do his work. As they waited patiently in the other room, the front door to the building immediately opened. Through the door came a medium sized figure, who looked oddly familiar.

King's POV

The door opened, I looked over to see who had entered. My face dropped when I saw the familiar guy. I didn't know his name, he'd never told us. But he was the one who walked into the Tavern, (if you dont remember this, it was in chapter 14). The man dressed in all black, the one who asked Y/n about her past, the one who sent her into an anxiety attack. I felt anger rise up in my chest, why in the hell was this bastard here. Did he know we were here or something?! He looked towards us, I looked over at Ban, who obviously recognized the man as well, his brows furrowing. The man flashed us a menacing grin, before the doctor opened the door. "Your friend is fine! I was able to heal the major tissues/muscles that were injured. I stitched the wound up. It should take a few weeks to heal due to the  size of the wound."  My attention ripped away from the unknown man, and I walked into the room. There sat Y/n on the bed, staring out the window next to her. When she heard the door open, her head turned to me. Our eyes met, her (e/c) orbs peircing through mine. "King!" She exclaimed, a smile crossing her face. That was the one thing about her I loved, even through some of the most painful things, she smiled.

She patted next to her, signaling me to go sit down. I placed myself next to her, she started pointing at her stitches. "This is so cool!!!!" She squealed..... I was dumbfounded, "H-Huh? Cool?!! Th-There's a hole in-in your leg?!!!" I ranted, only recieving a laugh from her, "Yeah! But once it's healed, I'm gonna have a cool scar!" You've gotta be kidding me, she just got impaled.... and she's laughing and happy because the scar is going to look cool? I chuckled, I'm just glad she's smiling.


The rest of the group walked into the room. "Heyyy!! Shorty! You're aliveeee" Ban said, embracing Y/n tightly. "Yep! I probably shouldn't have jumped in front of you... kinda forgot you were immortal ha..." She said rubbing the back of her head. Ban laughed, allowing the others to go and greet her. Afterwards, they thanked the doctor and agreed to go back to the tavern and stay there for a few weeks while Y/n's leg healed.

A/n " HI! So, the next chapter is gonna be a time skip of a few weeks, and the suspicious dude in all black is going to have more part in the story!

l𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚍l - King x Reader Where stories live. Discover now