Chapter 15

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A/N : Lmao im re-watching Seven Deadly Sins again

anyway chapter 15 - here

No One's POV

       Y/n woke up, stretching her arms above her head, she let out a yawn. Rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes, she blinked a few times before she realized that King had already gotten up. She slipped out of the white sheets and happily stepped into the bathroom to rinse off and get ready for another adventure packed day.
After the normal routine was finish, Y/n quickly slipped on her favorite outfit and ran for the stairs. She quickly ran down the creaky wooden steps, to be met with the eyes of her comrades, who were currently laughing at her random burst of morning energy. "Morning everyone!" Y/n continued her way into the seating area.
"Morning Y/n, how'd you sleep?" King asked her in a caring tone. Y/n nodded, "Good, now what's on the to-do list today?" She smiled, slamming her hands on the wooden table, catching Meliodas' attention. He looked at her with that goofy grin of his. "Someone's excited. We don't have anything on the to-do list today. Not that I know of at least." Meliodas said, raising his hands above his head. Y/n frowned, ever since her and Ban's little adventure, she hadn't fought anyone or anything. It was getting boring. Taking fighting away from her was like taking candy away from a baby. It was easy, but she was going to bitch about it. Before she could say anything, Ban spoke up.
" I'm making way to the Fairy Realm, she's welcome to join if she is that eager for something to do." Y/n froze at the mention of her home. So many memories came flooding back, her brutal 'death'. Whenever someone mentioned her home, it wasn't all flowers and rainbows that most people would think about. What came into her head, was watching her fellow fairy friends get brutally murdered in front of her eyes. Meliodas was about to intrude, but Y/n spoke up first.
"Y-Yeah, sure I'll join in." She said, why did she agree? Yeah she doesn't know either. Something was telling her to just go.

  King's eye widened, he didn't think she would say yes. "W-Well if you two are going, so am I!" He exclaimed, his face red and flustered. Ban nodded, looking towards Meliodas, who was currently messing around with Elizabeth.
"Alright, it's settled. We'll all go together." He said.

A few hours into the journey

     They group had been walking for quite some time. Elizabeth and Diane were having a conversation, while King found another reason to scold Ban. Leaving Meliodas and Y/n walking behind everyone silently. Once in a while Meliodas would glance over at Y/n, who's hands were shaking. Fear was evident on her face, he knew why, going back to the place you were killed wasn't exactly a pleasent expirience to look forward to.
"Hey Y/n? You ok?" Meliodas asked, catching Y/n off-guard. "O-Oh! Yeah I- kinda... I'm just a little nervous that's all." She said, looking up giving Meliodas a teary-eyed smile. Meliodas' smile dropped, she was crying...
"Y/n you're crying.." Y/n's hand went to her cheek, catching a freshly shed tear. She almost seemed shocked, like she didn't know why she was exactly crying. "Why... why am I crying.. Don't worry Meliodas it's nothing." She whispered the first part, before speaking to her fellow comrade. Meliodas nodded, he didn't want to get up in her buisness, he knew Y/n wasn't a fan of that. She didn't like speaking about her problems, it felt like it just caused more unreasonable trouble. Meliodas put a hand on Y/n's shoulder and sent her a smile. She laughed at his attempts to make her feel better.
Meliodas had always been a trustworthy friend of her. The small moment was interupted when Ban told them that they had arrived.

Y/n's POV

I looked up. Shit. I can't believe I'm actually here. What the fuck am I doing?!
I took a deep breath, and noticed King coming over towards me. I gave him a smile, it was totally fake, and looked around. The fairies here have been taking good care of this place, the trees almost all grown in, flowers blooming everywhere. It was beautiful. Yet all that was flashing through my mind was that murderous day.
I felt arms wrap around me. King had himself embraced around me, he didn't say anything though. We sat there for a minute, before Ban told us to follow him

I promised you a chpt on Sat or Sunday and I forgot :(, I have a ton of school work, but because I felt so bad I had to write at least something. Chapter 16 will be out this SAturday I pinky swear :D

l𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚍l - King x Reader Where stories live. Discover now