I: Ancient Glory

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MARCH 13, 2021

"The DRZ-X virus has infected more than 50% of the world's human population, with a total of two billion deaths and no recoveries. Scientists believe that-"

I gasped before turning off the television. This is not real. It shouldn't end here.

DRZ-X virus came out of nowhere. Some said that it is the by-product of the evolution of Corona Virus. While some believed that it is a bioweapon made to exterminate mankind. Either way, it is a serious matter the world is facing at the moment.

My phone rang later on. It was a call from the headquarters.

"Hello? This is Raze speaking."

"Raze, the research team has found an important information. We need you here right now." The call ended.

Important information? What could it be?

I grabbed my car key and went on my way. The caller did not mention the location but I already know where I should go.

While driving, I glanced at the moon blazing from afar. It reminded me of my girlfriend, Luna. She has been working as an operating surgeon for six years. And now, doctors were forced to stay in hospitals along with the infected of the DRZ-X virus. I am extremely worried of her situation. She has always been there for me since we were in high school. I do not know what I would do if I lose her.

It was 9 PM. The road was clear yet dark. People were locked inside their homes. Even the government officials had no permission to go outside. Only scientists and researchers were allowed as ordered by the president.

I looked at the building complex from my car window. Daemon Headquarters, an organization headed by the commander in chief, Dr. Zach Daemon.

I proceeded to the research laboratory. There I saw Daniel standing at the threshold. I parked my car before heading towards his direction.

"Raze, the chief is waiting for you. Let's go," he said as he walked along with me.

"Say, what is this information you have gathered?" I asked.

"You'll know," he replied.

Daniel and I were best friends for 15 years. We studied in the same university and took the same course. Now, we are both research workers under Daemon Administration.

He led me inside the conference hall. There were 12 people, all wearing formal attire including us. We caught the attention of Dr. Daemon as we went inside.

"Ah, Mr. Raze. You're just in time. Please sit down," he said while turning his swivel chair.

I sat on the opposite end of the long table, with Daniel on my right side. The secretary handed each of us a folder, probably containing the 'information.' I opened it and saw different photos of shipwreck and dead bodies. They were found by a submarine, lying beneath the depths of the Bermuda Triangle, as written.

"A submarine, intended for the observation of marine animals living in the Atlantic Ocean, accidentally found the wreckage of the long lost D.R. 5457 vessel. The captain, Dither Veyron, personally saw two dead bodies inside," Dr. Daemon stated.

I chuckled. Despite of the plague, they still have time for this? I mean, it is just a shrunken ship. It has nothing to do with the 'bigger' problem we are facing.

"Excuse me, is this the 'important' information you wanted us to know? Sir, I apologize but I believe that the pandemic is a 'more' serious matter than this one," I said with gritted teeth. I was about to leave the hall when he spoke.

"We are not done yet, Mr. Raze," he stood up and walked slowly towards my direction. "Haven't you heard about 'The Case of the Missing Scientists?'" he added while staring at me.

I remembered the story Luna told me several months ago. It was about a group of scientists who sailed across the seven seas and never came back.

"You mean Dr. Albert Zhaitan and his team? I thought it was just a myth," I interrogated.

"Are you not listening? D.R. 5457 was found! It is a very concrete evidence. It was sailed by Dr. Zhaitan along with his thirteen colleagues in search for an ancient treasure," he explained.

I looked at the photos once more. Dead Reckoning 5457 cruise ship.

"But what is this treasure they wanted to discover?" I asked.

"The Z-Drive Nuclear Resonance or Z-DNR, created by Robert Singed. It is a device he used to travel through time," Daniel uttered. "But he hid it from the public," he added.

"Wait. A time travelling device?" I guffawed. "Is it different from a time machine? Come on guys, do you believe in science fiction?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"Do you really think we're joking? Z-DNR is existent!" Daniel said.

"Here," he showed me a grayscale image of the Z-DNR.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"On a book we recovered inside Singed's dwelling after his death," he explained.

"The last two pages of the record book were ruptured. Fortunately, they were found buried beneath the Atlantic Coast. It contained the device's information and where it was hidden," said Dr. Daemon.

"But most of the text is written in Royal Aramaic, the oldest language of Atlanta. We need to hire a private transcriber to cognize what is stated there," Mitchell, the secretary said.

"We have no choice. If we cannot formulate a cure, then-"

"I strongly believe that there is no cure for this DRZ-X disease," Dr. Daemon interrupted. "The virus is vital... unstoppable. It is perfectly created for extermination!" he appended.

"I know, but how can this device annihilate the virus?" I questioned.

"If we cannot kill the virus, the we should kill the pioneer instead," he answered.

I nodded. Everything is clear now. He wanted us to seek for the ancient device, use it to go back in time and kill the creator of the bioweapon. What a nifty idea.

"We will sail the Atlantic Ocean on Friday. Raze, Daniel, and Mitchell, you will come with me along with Captain Veyron. The rest will be left for further research," Dr. Daemon declared.

There is no surety that we will attain success. But it is the only option left.

"Meeting adjourned," he concluded.

On the way home, I kept on thinking about Dr. Zhaitan. He was highly respected because of his contributions to science. But why would he want to acquire a time travelling device? Did he succeed?

There were so many questions in my mind. But only one left me bewildered and confused.

What is the story behind their journey?

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