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"You what?"

Jungkook takes in a deep breath. "I don't want to get marry to Ahnjong." His eyes fall down to the floor and he could hear his mother's heels clicking on the marble floor.

His head is jerked up as his mom grabs his chin. "Why do you keep saying this? We give you everything and the one thing we ask of you, you don't want to do," Jungkook's mom says harshly.

"Mom," Jungkook steps back from her. "It's true that you guys give me everything and never ask of anything. But, is it true that you guys never pressure me to do anything?"

His mom's jaw drops. "How dare you say that to us. Do you know how much we love you? How hard your father works?" She shakes with anger.

Before she could say any more, his dad spoke. "Stop this right now." The two look at Jungkook's dad who's been fairly quite since Jungkook walked in. He's always been quite most of Jungkook's life.

"Come here, Jungkook." Jungkook goes sit down across from his dad.

"Yes, Dad," he says softer and more obedient. His dad would always be the calmer one between his parents. Never once did he freak out about something Jungkook did or didn't do.

"Why don't you want to marry her?" He asks, still calm.

"I don't like her." Jungkook bites his inner cheek. Like her name, Bae Ahnjong is tranquil. But, she's so clingy and always seem to judge everyone.

How could he possibly tell his parents that he loves someone else? More importantly, a man who's just a secretary. His parents never opposed to him being gay but, they never accepted it either. In their defense, Jungkook never told them that he likes both gender.

"That's not a very good reason," his dad notes.

"I know. I just really can't take her-" Jungkook's mom rushes over to his dad's side.

"See, Jungmin. He's just acting childish," his mom says. "How can we back out of the wedding right now? The wedding preparations are already set and the wedding's in a month."

Jungkook winces at the reminder of the time. He really postponed this. Actually, he always complain about not wanting to marry. He just didn't take any actual action until today. "Jungkook-ah," his mom call his name.

"Do you just not want to marry at a young age? You probably just want to be single and have all the fun a bachelor can have. However, you're already an adult. What's going to happen if your dad and I die the very next day?"

"Mom," Jungkook sighs at the card she played. "You guys are not going to die."

"You don't know that." She goes to Jungkook. "Kook, we want you to have a successful life. Look at V. He's only two years older than you and have already accomplished so much. And, he's married."

Jungkook closes his eyes at the mention of V. His parents really love V as if he's Jungkook's brother. He thought life was awesome not having a sibling to be compared to. Namjoon always seem to be compared to his younger sister. Yet, Namjoon doesn't care about it.

He on the other hand, does. V's not even his actual brother. "Well, I'm not V."

"Jung-" his mom starts again but, he continues speaking.

"I don't want to marry her. I won't marry her." He stands up. "I don't care if you cut me out from everything you guys own. I am not going to marry her," he says loudly. He never rebelled this badly before.

His mom is gawking at him as he makes his way to the door. "You will." His hand stops, lingering on the door handle. "You will marry her. We'll move the wedding up to next week."

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