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Taehyung holds his hand up to the sun, blocking its bright rays. He sighs as he drops his hand letting the sun kiss him. It feels like it was only yesterday that he left Seokjin.

He lets his eyes close. Jin, who he loves so much. Jin, who he misses so much. Taehyung chuckles dryly. Jin must be happy. Unbothered by the fact that Taehyung left. Unbeknownst to him.

Taehyung sits up, ruffling his hair. Maybe he should go home. Taehyung pulls his bag towards him. He takes out a sketchbook and a pencil. He doesn't want to go home. Doesn't want to go back to his apartment which is filled with memories of Jin.

He lets the pencil guide his hand. He's been drawing. It takes his mind off of Seokjin sometimes. He reaches the end of the page. Looking at the whole picture, he realizes he didn't even draw.

More like scribbling along the page. The lines loop through each other into a shape. Into a heart. He closes the sketchbook. Maybe he should get something to eat. Taehyung lifts himself off the ground and slings the one strap bag around himself.

Is there an event today? Many people are bustling on the sidewalks and streets. A couple chasing each other run past him, making him almost lose his balance. A family walk by him with their baby staring at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung offers a small smile and wave.

He looks around. Everyone's sharing their smiles and laughter with someone. It's picture-perfect except for him who doesn't have a loved one by their side.

Taehyung steps out of the picture-perfect streets and into a restaurant. The restaurant is packed and he finds himself to be alone again. He seats himself at a table meant for two. A waitress nods in his direction as if to tell him she'll be right with him.

Taehyung looks down at his hands that's lying on the smooth black table. V's wedding ring is gone, leaving his finger feeling bare but free. Seokjin's bracelet is gone. Taehyung gave it to V. He's not the rightful owner. It was never his, to begin with.

Taehyung looks away from his hands, his heart heavy. Instead, he focuses on the t.v. hanging in the corner of the store. It plays an advertisement that has two guys in fancy suits fighting over a phone.

The ad is amusing and brings a smile to his face. His smiles stop when the ad is over and in place what seems like the recording of a conference. He doesn't hear a word due to the loud chatter in the restaurant but he does see.

On the screen is V. The camera zooms out and Taehyung could feel his breathing stop. He smiles as he sees Jin. He's in a simple black suit with his hair styled so to see his forehead. He looks as beautiful as Taehyung last saw him.

His smile stops when he sees V wrap an arm around Jin's waist. Jin and V both look at the cameras as they flash. Taehyung's shoulders sink as he watches the perfect couple. He ends up leaving.

He walks home, his mind void of any thoughts because, in the end, all his thoughts will point to a certain someone. A certain someone who he shouldn't be thinking about. Taehyung's steps stagger. He never even knew Taehyung's name.

Taehyung shakes his head. He needs to stop thinking like this. All negative, sad, yearning, heartbroken- Taehyung slaps himself mentally. He should order fried chicken for dinner.

Taehyung smacks his lips together, satisfied. Food always makes you feel better. Isn't that what he told Taehyung? Yes, it is.

Taehyung's relieved to see his apartment complex. No more thinking for now. He should call his mom even though they just talked two days ago. Taehyung reaches for the keys in his pocket as he nears his door. He hasn't talked to his step-sister yet. He misses them. Even his step-dad.

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