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"Cancel it! Cancel it all!"


"Do you not hear me? I said cancel it!" I throw the phone behind me, hands gripping the steering wheel. Stupid intern. Always getting in the way of things. I run a hand through my hair.

It's late into the night already. He should be asleep by now. However, the bright lights shining through the windows say otherwise. I throw my keys to the servant who comes to my side. I'm exhausted to death, barking at the servants to get me a cup of coffee.

He's sitting on the sofa, watching some cheesy drama on the t.v. I don't want to deal with this again so I head straight for the stairs. "V," I hear him say but continue up the stairs. "V," he says again, grabbing my arm.

Why does he care so much about me? He knows that I didn't want this marriage. Hell, he didn't want this marriage at first too. "It's almost morning," he tells me like I didn't know.

"And?" I turn to him, glaring. Sadness flicker in his eyes and I almost want to apologize. Almost.

"I'm worried about you," he looks me up and down. "I called Hoseok. You haven't been eating your meals." Did he care that much to call? He smiles at me, tugging my arm. "I made dinner for you." You did?

"I'm not hungry," I pull my arm away. I don't need to deal with this right now. "You can eat it by yourself." He looks crushed and a small, small, very small part of me wants to yell at myself. But a bigger part of me drags myself up to my room.

I close the door after me, leaning against it. I'm surprised to not hear his footsteps after me. Seokjin. Seokjin's footsteps. My husband. He hasn't done anything wrong except marrying me.

I hate it that my parents forced me to get married so early. It's my decision. Not theirs. Now, I have a husband who cares too much about me and I can't care for him because I need to care about my work more.

I shake my head and fall onto the king bed. Sleep takes over me without another thought.

Why the hell is it so cold? I awake from sleep and immediately find out the reason why. The door to the balcony is wide open. How many times do I have to tell Seokjin to close it?

I get up, ready to drag him back inside so I can sleep peacefully. However, when I reach the door, I hear sniffling. His shoulders are shaking and he keeps rubbing his eyes. He's crying.

I don't have the heart to yell at him anymore. He continues to cry, not noticing me. I probably made him cry. No, I definitely made him cry. I watch as tears keep pouring out of his eyes. Each time a tear slips, he would wipe it away even though more keeps falling. Why does he even bother?

I go back into the room, grabbing my pillow. He's still crying as I silently leave the room. I walk towards the guest room where I sleep more than my own bed. Even though I've done this a hundred times already, as I try to sleep, my mind keeps replaying the image of him crying. Why does he even bother to try anymore?


"Bye, Dad," Jin hugs his dad. "Bye, Mom," he hugs his mom. Taehyung's glad he got to visit Seokjin's parents with Seokjin. He could see how happy Jin got.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Seokjin's mom tells Jin, holding his shoulders.

"Take care of V too," his dad chimes in, winking at Taehyung.

"He can take care of himself," Seokjin mumbles, causing his dad to laugh loudly. Seokjin's parents escort them out but as Jin gets in the car, Taehyung stays back.

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