Chapter 9

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TW: nothing descriptive but implied sexual assault

Arthur and Dutch had left to go to the nearby city, Saint Denis, to look for this man who had taken Jack. I sat with Miss O'Shea, listening to her rant about how Dutch was ignoring her, how he was losing interest. I wrote some words of comfort for her, but it didn't pacify her much. She was rightfully angry, I really didn't blame her, but I was more concerned about Jack.

She was desperate to speak to the man yet he gave her no time. I had seen myself that Dutch had eyes for the younger girls in camp, Miss O'Shea was getting too old, and I was sure she had seen it too. I just hoped she wouldn't do anything stupid, she deserved better than Dutch van der Linde, no matter how much I respected the man for saving me. He was a great leader, but an awful lover.

Eventually, she left and I went to stand on the porch, waiting for any sign of Jack's return. Dutch had come back a few hours earlier, grabbing John without a word to anyone else, and I was growing anxious.

"What's eating you, kid?" Micah asked, leaning against the pillar with a cigarette in his mouth.

I'm worried about Jack

"You know the boys will bring him back," he puffed out some smoke, looking unconcerned.

But what have they been doing to him

"Listen, kid, you can't change it, so don't worry about it," he sighed, "He'll be fine. I came over to tell you Pearson's stew is ready, if you're able to stomach that abomination."

I laughed, more like pushing air out of my nose, and left to go grab a bowl. I was famished, I hadn't realised until he had spoken.

"What's that oily turd wanting with you?" Sean demanded the moment I sat down.

He was telling me the stew was ready

"Why would Micah care to tell you that?" Sean scoffed once Charles had rolled his eyes and dictated my words for him, looking at the other men around the campfire.

"She saved his life," Charles spoke, "Micah might not be the nicest of men, but he knows when he owes someone."

"I still don't know why you saved him, anyone else would have let him die," Javier said absentmindedly.

Because if you can stop it, but you don't, then its your fault

"Wise words," Charles nodded, giving me a smile.

"Perhaps, but I still wouldn't complain if somebody silenced him," Bill muttered in annoyance, causing the rest of us to laugh.

But we were interrupted by a yell from Abigail.

"Jack!" She yelled happily, causing the rest of us to turn around and see the new arrivals.

I grinned widely when I saw Jack, seemingly decidedly unharmed and positively thrilled to be back in his momma's arms. They came over to the rest of us, we all let Jack know how happy we were that he had come back. I couldn't keep the grin off my face, Arthur laughing at me when he saw my expression.

We celebrated for the rest of the night, singing, dancing and drinking long after Jack was taken to bed. The evening was soured slightly when a drunk Molly O'Shea confronted Dutch and he brushed her off, but we tried to pay no mind to it. We were just living in the moment, enjoying the happiness while it lasted.

Because there was no doubt it would be gone soon.

Dutch made a request of me. Find information on Bronte. I was torn on what Dutch was asking me to do. Find information on Bronte, that was easy enough, but why? I knew Dutch liked him, but he didn't quite trust him. He was worried he was being fooled again, like last time. This time, Dutch was determined to be the player, not the played. I just hoped I wasn't going to have something worse happen to me at Bronte's hand than Jack had, he wouldn't be happy at someone sniffing around.

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