Cliff kiss: Pt 1

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I don't need to explain what happened before and during this scene, y'all already know what happens. I'm the author I can do that.


"Don't ever tell ever tell her I said any of this" Toph says as she punches Sokka in the arm.

"Hey my lips are sealed" Sokka says rubbing his arm where Toph punched him.

They sat in silence. Toph looked straight ahead admiring the fresh air. Sokka looked over at Toph. The sun was setting, hitting her skin so perfectly. Her soft skin mixed well with the sunlight. Sokka felt butterflies in his stomach. He'd only get butterflies in his stomach when he was around suki, but suki isn't around right now. Although he hadn't seen suki in a long time. Sokka was confused on why he felt butterflies in his stomach with toph all of a sudden.

Toph leaned back putting her hands behind her. She breathed in the calm air. For some reason it made Sokka get more butterflies. He started noticing how beautiful she was. Her lips stand out.  A slight breeze went by. Toph's hair got in the way of Sokka seeing her face. He wanted to move her hair behind her ears, and press his lips against hers. "But I'm with suki" he told himself.

Katara was about to leave the water until she heard her brother say...

"Hey Toph did I ever tell you how beautiful you are" Sokka blurted out without thinking. He blushed "I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!". Meanwhile under the cliff, Katara's eyes widened and she got back into the water quietly to eavesdrop the conversation.

Toph was really surprised at what Sokka had said. She didn't know what to say. She could feel that she was blushing, which she instantly started hiding. She didn't know if he meant it in a romantic way or a friendly gesture. She'd always liked him but she didn't know if he felt the same way as she did.

"No...why are you telling me this now?"

"Well the sun is setting and the sunlight is hitting your flaws just right" Sokka didn't know what else to say. 

"Alright then..what are my flaws?" Toph asked with a smirk. She was curious as to what he had to say. Sokka  didn't want to come off as romantic to Toph. He was with suki after all.

"Well the sun mixes well with your soft skin" he started moving a little closer to her. "Your black silky hair is shining" Sokka  moved her hair behind ear. He slowly moved her head to his direction. At this point Toph started to blush even more and getting butterflies in her stomach. She was hoping Sokka wouldn't notice her blushing. Sokka was debating on whether he should mention her lips or not. "Your milky green eyes look so beautiful " he said softly dozing off into her eyes.  He slowly leaned in, and so did toph. "your lips look  he so soft!" he said in a more low seductive tone.

"May I?" Sokka says as he got closer to her lips.
Toph slightly nods caught in the moment. Sokka gets closer and kisses her. Their kiss became sync. Once Toph realizes what was happening, she pulls back with a terrified face.

"What's wrong" Sokka says in a heartbroken voice.

"This isn't right, your with suki!"

Sokka had forgotten all about suki. He pulls back and start thinking on what he had just done. 

"What did I just do?!" 

"come back when you have it all figured out" Toph says as she gets up to leave. Sokka was going to grab her wrist but she was already to far away by then.


Haha cliffhanger.  I already wrote part two so i'll be updating soon:)

Hope you enjoyed it though. 

Stay tuned for part-two !

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