three - gerard is used as a pillow

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A/N: Ahh, now we get to the part where you can really see how inexperienced of a writer I am. Comments and votes are always appreciated and I live for *constructive* criticism :)

When he woke up later, he was extremely disoriented. For one, at least two people were sleeping on top of him. He was nauseous and it felt like the floor was rocking under him. Said floor was very uncomfortable and there was something digging into his shoulder blade. He also happened to have no idea how he got here.

He blinked a few times.

There was a ball. For his birthday. Lindsey. Introducing Lindsey. Pirates. Pirates!

That must have been it. He was kidnapped by pirates. Funnnnnn... (note the heavy sarcasm)

Now who was on top of him? He propped himself up on his elbows, careful not to disturb the people using him as a pillow. Black pigtails, that must be Lindsey. And that's Jamia. He layed back down with a thunk, and held his breath for a moment worried that he disturbed them.

Seeing as both girls were still sleeping, he examined the room. They must have been below deck, it was really dark and he could spot a stairway that must lead to open air. He could see Mikey and Ray sleeping on the floor beside him and a lot of other people he halfway recognised from the ball, most princesses from other kingdoms. He didn't see any adults, most likely these pirates were planning on ransoming all of them back to their parents for a hefty sum of money. Honestly, a kinda smart plan, princes and princesses (which there were plenty of at his birthday party) ransomed well and it's not like any of the kingdoms had a strong enough navy to rescue them against a fully armed pirate ship. His father's kingdom was one of the few that bordered the ocean and they didn't have an impressive navy because there was no competition.

Lindsey elbowing him in her sleep interrupted his thoughts and he let out a groan, which in turn made Lindsey accidentally elbow him again so he shook her awake. She glared at him disapprovingly before sitting up next to him. "You're welcome," Gerard muttered. Jamia was still asleep so Lindsey moved her off of Gerard and he sat up properly, feeling the ache from laying on a dirty, uneven floor for the past god knows how long. He let out a yawn as he pawed at the area on his shoulder blade that was hurting.

"What did I miss?" he spat, Gerard was not a morning person. "And what are you wearing?" he asked, more curious than cranky this time.

"One of the pirates gave me a shirt. You have no idea how uncomfortable corsets are, and I always wear breeches under my skirts. As to what happened, after you fainted like a little princess in the arms of her one true love," Gerard grimaced at her phrasing, "the pirates rounded up all the eligible little suitors and announced they were holding us for ransom. So we're stuck here until all our parents come up with 50 thousand ii," she paused to wipe the sleep from her eyes, "which, in case you were unaware, is a ridiculous amount of money and'll probably take years, unless our kingdoms can actually agree on something," she cocked her head, "which might actually be a good thing, this might be enough incentive to actually work on a treaty instead of just marrying all their children against their will."

Gerard let out one of his specialty unattractive whines, causing Lindsey to chuckle. "Why are Jamia and Ray here then?" Lindsey looked confused, "They aren't royalty. Jamia is my assistant and Ray helps Mikey."

Her eyes widened, "Well then there are four possiblitiies; they were either really stupid, really nice, or really unhappy."

Gerard winced, honestly Jamia and Ray probably just wanted to be there for him and Mikey, "What's the fourth?"

"That they tried to say they weren't royalty but the pirates didn't believe them."

Jamia decided to stir then, propping herself up to a sitting position and weakly smiling at Gerard and Lindsey, "We wanted to be there for you, I couldn't imagine leaving you, you're my best friend. I probably would have been fired anyways as your father doesn't think straight sometimes and he would most likely blame me for your kidnapping. Who knows, maybe I'll become a pirate?" Jamia chuckled lightly but Gerard could detect the self-deprecating note in it and pulled his friend in for a brief hug, whispering a quick thanks in her ear.

Lindsey put a finger to her lips in a shushing motion and pointed at Ray and Mikey who were now cuddling, Mikey's face buried in Ray's neck. She let out a soft 'awww' and leaned into Gerard.

They stayed there, huddled together, for a while before there was a series of loud clangs and the tattooed pirate stood on the stairs with two pans, banging them together. "Wake up, sunshines, we have work to do!"

He directed all the royalty up onto deck and Gerard counted probably fourteen of them total; there weren't all that many kingdoms on their continent and only a portion of them had children his age to marry off.

He found himself standing with Ray, Mikey and two young boys, probably dragged along with their older sisters, while the princesses and Jamia stood separately. Some of the princesses looked ruffled and distressed while others (including Lindsey and Jamia) stood tall, even comforting the terrified ones.

Tattoo-pirate stood in the middle of the deck, probably ten other men standing on the sidelines, keeping the captured royalty in check. "Hello," the tattoo-pirate announced in the same voice he had used when talking to the ballroom yesterday, "My name's Iero and as you probably figured out by now, you're being held for ransom," he flashed a bright smile, "Everyone aboard this ship contributes to helping keep it clean," noises of agreement sounded from the other pirates, "so you will be expected to sweep, mop, cook, ect., if you expect food in the evenings." Then Frank walked over to the princesses, directing them to the supplies. There was complete silence except for the waves rushing against the side of the boat.

Gerard noticed when one of the younger boys shed a tear and looked as though he were going to start sobbing. Gerard knelt down next to him, embracing the child and gently stroking his hair. The boy looked up at him and shyly smiled. Gerard held a finger to his lips, shushing him quietly, and picked the boy up, positioning him on his hip and glanced meaningfully at Mikey, signaling that he should comfort the other boy.

By the time that the princesses all had supplies, Gerard and Mikey both had a child clinging onto them like a monkey. Ray was standing next to Mikey, making faces at the child in order to cheer him up. Gerard was absent-mindedly cuddling his child, who's name he learned was Alex, and watching the ocean when a tattooed hand was rested on his shoulder. Gerard casually examined it, eyebrows furrowing when he read 'ween' across the knuckles.

He heard a chuckle coming from the owner of the hand before Iero moved it next to his other hand to complete the word 'halloween', "My birthday, sweetheart," Iero's voice was relaxed now, more casual. It stirred something inside of Gerard that he couldn't put a name to.

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