four - definitely, completely, totally historically accurate

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A/N: Trigger warning: Highly historically inaccurate chapter (actually the whole story is historically inaccurate, but who cares?). Comments and votes make my day. If you have any input on how I can become a better writer, constructive criticism is always welcome, key word constructive, please don't just say that my writing is trash and not tell me why. Love you all <3

"My birthday, sweetheart," Iero's voice was relaxed now, more casual. 

Gerard didn't know what to say in response but the silence was getting awkward, "T-that's a cool birthday, Iero" F*ck. Why did his stuttering have to come back now? He hadn't stuttered in years. Iero seemed to find it amusing though and returned his hand to Gerard's shoulder, moving to greet Alex.

"You can call me Frank." Gerard nodded. "And what's your name? How old are you?" Frank murmured kindly, a tone Gerard hadn't heard him use before.

"A-alex. I-I'm six," Welp. At least he wasn't the only stutterer. 

"Well nice to meet you, Alex." Alex grinned in response, apparently deciding that Frank wasn't a threat. "Is this your brother?" Alex shook his head.

Frank looked at Gerard curiously until Gerard pointed at Mikey, "T-that's my brother, the one with the glasses and the beanie, his name's M-mikey. I think Alex is the little brother of one of the p-princesses."

Frank made a humming noise and booped Alex on the nose. His affection for the young child brought a smile to Gerard's face. "So, sweetheart, welcome aboard the Patience. I've been assigning everybody jobs, but we ran out of brooms so you have options, two of you older boys are going to help out in the kitchen while one of you can take care of Alex and that other kid, maybe one of those little princesses too." Gerard knew how much Mikey loved cooking and how Ray helped out in the kitchen sometimes back at the castle so he volunteered to watch the kids. "Okay, you can have that corner over there for now sweetheart. I'll go bring the other kid over if you want to get Alex settled."

Gerard smiled and nodded, carrying Alex to the spot Frank pointed out and settling in, sitting on the floor. Alex seemed to be exhausted so he fell asleep immediately, using Gerard as a pillow like the girls had last night. Gerard rubbed circles on the six-year-old's back and watched Frank talk to Ray and Mikey, directing them towards the kitchen and retrieving the boy, before heading back to Gerard.

"This is Jack, he's six." Frank whispered, noticing that Alex was asleep. Gerard offered a smile in response, attempting to carefully adjust Alex so he could hold both boys before Frank shook his head, "Don't disturb him," and slid down next to Gerard, resting his head on Gerard's shoulder and closing his eyes. Gerard watched both six year olds and the pirate sleep for a minute or two before drifting off himself.

He woke up to Lindsey shaking him, both boys already awake in his arms, Frank must have left earlier. "Iero told all of us to let you sleep because you fainted and probably needed it. But now it's dinner time, you've been sleeping all day while everybody else worked their a-" she cut herself off, realising the six year olds were listening, "-butts- off today so no being cranky. Ray and Mikey made some really good food for lunch, which you missed by the way, Iero fed Jack and Alex for you, I'm sure you're hungry." Gerard nodded, not sure if he should be sympathetic about the whole working thing or not, and picked up Jack and Alex.

Lindsey led him to the eating area, a secluded spot on the far end of the deck. He smiled when he saw Mikey and Ray laughing about something while piling food onto pirates plates, grabbing his own and handing one to Jack and Alex, reminding them to use both hands and not let the plate fall. Mikey smiled at him and put some mac and cheese on each of their plates, saying hi to Jack and smiling warmly at Alex. Ray gave them each some broccoli and an apple.

(A/N: Yes, I know these are not historically accurate pirate foods but I'm craving mac and cheese and broccoli so you'll just have to deal with it) 

When Gerard asked where they wanted to sit, the boys pointed to Frank, who was eating with a group of the other pirates. Gerard kinda regretted asking now, seeing as he didn't want to sit with the pirates, but he didn't have the heart to say no to the six year olds and he didn't see Jamia or Lindsey (who had disappeared after showing him where the eating area was) anywhere.

So he sucked it up and pulled himself into the seat beside Frank. Frank smiled when he saw Gerard and, noticing that Jack and Alex were kinda awkwardly hanging off of the prince, pulled Jack into his lap so that Alex could sit in Gerard's and Frank could wrap his arm around Gerard's waist and pull him closer. Gerard blushed as Frank kissed his cheek, assuming this was just normal pirate behavior.

"Gerard, meet Pete, Patrick," Frank gestured to the two people he had seen in the ballroom the previous day, they looked younger up close, probably about Mikey's age, "Brendon, Ryan and Billie Joe." he indicated towards a guy with a large forehead and another guy. "Pete, Patrick, Brendon, Ryan, Armstrong, meet Gerard."

"Oooh, Iero, nice catch," Brendon whistled, obviously amused by something, but his expression quickly changed to one of fear when Frank let out a low growl and tightened his grip on Gerard, who was getting confused and uncomfortable.

Frank noticed this and loosened his grip on Gerard a little, "Sorry sweetheart. They can be a**holes sometimes. It's okay," he whispered, calming Gerard down. Gerard looked down at Alex, who was eating his food happily and smiled softly, relaxing into Frank's side and closing his eyes because he was still tired even after sleeping all day. This is what lack of coffee did to him.

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