Chapter 10

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When I was younger, eight years old to be exact, I was taken from my family, friends, life. I lost all hope that day five years ago. I couldn’t go back to where I had lived because I didn’t know where that was. The first week I was at F.W.R I wouldn’t let anyone near me. I would say nasty things about them, I would swear at them, I would do anything for them to go away. I met Cam at camp, he came up to me asking if I was ok. He told me that he grew up at camp, and that it’s not as bad as it seems. He was my age at the time. I had no idea what to do, how to deal with the lose of my parents.

I spot a government agent, I believe it’s one with F.W.R. I can tell because of the little badge that shows under his sport coat. The agent walks toward me, I have no idea what I should do. I have never gone undercover, I try to think about what one would do while undercover… I go over to the part of the gas station with the chips, and I pick up a bag of Izzy’s Nachos and walk over the counter to purchase the bag of chips. The agent ends up buying a bottle of fluorescent water. I walk out of the gas station and see a whole line of black vans, I try to fit in with the pedestrians, but I was trained as warrior, I stand out. The way I walk is different from the others, the way I look at the world is different. Some would think that you wouldn’t be able to see that, but everyone at F.W.R can, we were trained that way.

I walk into an indoor mall, once I walked in I could tell it was not meant for humans. The lights were neon colored, the food court had unicorn blood, I could tell I had just walked into trouble. The people, or things were different...some were faeries, some were goblins, and their were some who looked human to the normal eye, but I can something special, they glow. Cam would be amazed, he would say they are miracles from the void beyond, whatever that is.

I start to walk around the mall like you would a real mall. You could almost mistaken some of the shops as scares me a little bit. I mean how do I know if I am safe or not? How do I know what is going outside of the mall, I don’t. I start to wonder where an exit is, but I don’t see any exit. People walk through walls and some even walk through the fountains. The thing is they aren’t ghosts, how do humans walk through walls? That’s when I remember that stupid, Fantasy 101 for Experts class that we had to take.

They use holograms! I can’t believe I never thought of it before! I start to walk over to one of the bushes that I saw a Purple faerie walk through, and I step up to it. There is a small slot that looks like one that would take coins at an arcade, so hey I give it a try. I put a quarter in the slot and I start to walk through the fountain. At first I couldn’t believe myself, and then I felt as if I was teleporting, but I knew that was years ahead of it’s time.

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