Keith x Altean reader!

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Aye so like imma go ahead and tell y'all this is gonna be crappy because like, without a request it's just gonna be that way since I have no inspiration😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Your POV~

I've been apart of team Voltron for a while now, ever since Me,Keith,Lance,Pidge,Hunk and Shiro left earth in the blue lion things have gotten kinda crazy, like first me meet two Aliens! Like what the flip! Then we find out that the five of them are supposedly the paladins of Voltron! Which is a gigantic transformer robot! And I find out I'm actually Allaura's cousin!??! 

They then defeat Sendak and we through a party to say thank you for the arusions (is that how you spell it?) who have been on this planet with the castle of lions for who knows how long. And  just as we thought things couldn't get any crazier a bomb goes off in the castle and almost kills Lance so we have to go on mini quests to fix the castle so we can leave and save Lance

When we finally fix the Castle Lance is healed and we take off from Airus (once again is that how you spell it?) 

Currently we are flying through space and I am on my way to the training deck to see if I can get used to all this Altean technology and fighting tactics. I expected the room to be empty but when I walk in I find Keith who looks like he's about to start training. I call out to him and say "Yo! Keith, wanna help me train?"

Keith's POV~

I was about to start another training simulation when Y/N popped out of no where and startled me "Yo! Keith, wanna help me train?" She said with a rather big smile 'man, how can I say no to that cute face- wait! Keith the heck!? Focus on the conversation not her face!' I mentally battle with myself until she calls out to me again.

"Uh Keith? Did you hear me?" Me, being flustered looked away and replied " Oh, uh y-yeah sure whatever." She didn't seem to notice my tomato red face (aayyeee shout out to my boi Nathaniel MLB!) 

Which was good for me because I didn't need her thinking I liked her, even though I do. See I've been in love with Y/N ever since we met at the Garrison, of course she doesn't know that, I don't think I could ever tell her how I feel, now more then ever with everything that's going on.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and spoke again. "Alright, I guess we can spare." And that's exactly what we did. Somehow I ended up on top of her, straddling her hips. After we both realized the situation we were in, I kissed her on the lips surprising both of us then I pulled apart and started rapidly apologizing.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N i am so sorry!  I didn't mean to-" I was going to continue but I stopped when a soft and warm pair of lips met mine. Almost instantly I melted into the kiss and kissed back casually resting my hands on her hips

We had to pull apart for air both of us slightly panting I broke the silence by nervously saying "So does that mean the feelings are mutual?" She looked up at me with a smile and then gave me a quick peck on the lips and raplied "well what do you think?" And walked away without another word

"Man, I love that girl." I whispered to myself  starring at where the door closed after her

Word count— (589)

Hey y'all so like I hope you enjoyed my first one shot even though it's complete rubbish, it's probably gonna get rewritten eventually, anyway this just proves to y'all why I need requests instead of using just my brain😬😂 also it's like 11 o'clock at night where I am I know that's not relevant to the story but I felt like mentioning it anyway.

Bye Lovely's~ Wolfie 

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