Lin Beigfong x Female fire bender reader!

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A/N I do not smoke nor recommend it, it is damaging to your health 

Requested by sigh100



I was currently on my way outside to see Lin, she's had a rather stressful day and I was gonna cheer her up if I could, as I step out of the station I turn to my right where I see Lin, standing there smoking (as usual when she's had a long day)

So I walked over "Those things are bad for your heart and lungs you know." She looks and me and cocks her eye brow then says "want one?" I respond as if it's obvious and say "of course!" She slightly chuckles at me which makes me blush a bit

"So how was work for you today?  I heard through the spirit vine that you arrested the avatar." I say as I use my bending to light the cigarette. "Well you'd be right. Tenzin came and got her out though" she says with a bit of a huff

I laugh at her causing her to look over at me with a confused face. Once my laughter dies down I look at her and say "figures, I saw him walking out of the station with some teen, I'm guessing that she was the avatar?" She responds with a simple nod then says "Well how about you? You're always complaining about your job?"

I quickly respond with "well yeah!! Do you have any idea how hard and annoying it is to keep the councilman safe? He's THE WORST, and to follow up with that he made me come all the way to the station to do work that he didn't I mean-" I continued rambling on about having the work for the councilman while Lin just watched me amused by how pissed he makes me.

(Time skip brought to you by Korra causing a bunch of chaos~)

We continued to talk for hours about random stuff but mainly work, then I hear a loud click and look up at the clock to see that it is 8:49pm, I quickly turn and look at Lin muttering an apology as I start to walk away saying "Sorry Lin! But it's almost nine and I need to be home to look after Bae-Bae! See you next week!" Bae-Bae was the fire ferret that Lin got you for your birthday a couple years ago

Lin sighs looking In the same direction the h/c haired girl had run of in, "I swear she cares more about that Ferret then she does me" she muttered going back inside think about the memory of when she gave you the fire ferret and how your e/c eyes shimmered in happiness 

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