Meat buns (Chap. 3)

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Yamaguchi's pov

Practice is finally over, and I was walking home with Tsukki like usual. I wanted to spend more time with him. So I suggested we go somewhere together!

"Hey Tsukki, wanna go to Coach Ukai's store and get some meat buns?" I asked him.

" I guess. Let's go. " He agreed and put on his headphones. We walked there in a comfortable silence, like always. We don't really need to talk to understand each other most of the time, since we've known each other for so long. It can be really nice if I'm feeling down or I want something, but it can also be really annoying if I have something to hide. I've realized that I'm going to have to be a little more careful about how I act around Tsukki. I know if I don't then he'll eventually catch on. Though it might take him a while since he is kind of oblivious... No offense Tsukki!

Tsukishima's pov

We finally arrived at Coach Ukai's store to grab some food. I have to admit I was kinda hungry. I went over to the shelf where they have the meat buns and started looking.

"Ah, there are so many kinds today! I wonder which one to get." Yamaguchi said.

" Mmm. I guess. " We picked the ones we wanted and went over to the counter to see what I assumed was probably Coach's Mother.

"Hello, dears! How are you today?" She greeted us.

" We're great, thank you! " Yamaguchi answered. We put what we wanted on the counter and paid. We said our goodbyes and once again began walking home.


I arrived home and we went our separate ways, him going to practice with Mr. Shimada and me going up and locking myself in my room. I put on my headphones and started playing music. I got out my homework from today and started studying.

Yamaguchi's pov

I got home from practicing at Mr. Shimada's store at about 8:30, got some snacks and went up to my room to start on my homework.

After a while my mind started to go elsewhere. I decided I couldn't focus on my homework anymore and closed my books, leaning back in my chair. I started thinking about Tsukki, wondering what he's doing right now. I hoped he was doing something interesting that he enjoyed! Though that may only be lying down on his bed and listening to music, if he likes it then it doesn't matter! I wish I could be there just sitting by him, watching peacefully and making slight, calm conversation. I enjoy being friends with him, even if I know he'll never like me as anything more. It would be silly to think that he would ever love me. But I still think about it anyway.

Another chapter done! Even though these might not be any good, I'm proud of myself for actually continuing to write this! Sorry it's going a bit slow, but I was probably going to make this a long-ish story anyway, so it's going to be a little slow at the start! If you see any mistakes, please point them out to me and I'll try and fix them! Hope everyone is feeling great! Have an amazing day/night!❤💛💚💙💜

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