Aesthetic (Chap. 4)

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Tsukki's pov

I woke up and got ready for school, now waiting for Yamaguchi to come walk with me. He was a little late today, so I'm a bit worried about him since he's been acting kind of weird lately. I probably shouldn't worry though, as much as I want to make sure he's okay every second of the day, I know he's capable of taking care of himself. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Yamaguchi yelling my name from down the street. I looked in his direction and gave him a small nod to let him know that I saw him. He smiled brightly and I started to feel a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I often get this feeling when I'm around him.


We got to school and started walking to our classroom. There was some time before class started, so I assumed he was going to talk my ears off until the teacher came. I say it like I find him talking to me annoying, but I don't. I love hearing his voice, even if it's a little muffled by my headphones. I could listen to him talk for hours. I know because I have.


We were on break and I was sitting with Yamaguchi eating lunch. He always tried to offer me food since I never eat as much as a 'Normal Person', though I always turned him down. One, because I don't have a very big appetite, and two, I don't want him to be hungry because he gave his food to me. We continued eating and soon, break was over. We headed back to our classes, Yamaguchi close behind me.


We were at practice and on break. I was drinking my water and sitting down against the wall. The King and Shorty were going outside to practice more during break. 'How do those two have so much stamina? Are they monsters? Yeah... that must be it.' I thought.

"Hey, Tsukki! Good job!" Yamaguchi said. I was a bit startled since I didn't notice him standing there.

" Shut up Yamaguchi. " I swear that's like my slogan now. "You did a good job too." I mumbled the last part.

"what was that last part?" He asked. Phew... Thank god. I don't want him hearing me complimenting him so openly like that. It's not like me, and the other first years would make fun of me. (the other first years being Kageyama and Hinata.)

"Nothing." I answered.

People have said I'm too rude, and Coach says I should be a bit more open. Maybe I should start being a little nicer... Pfft, nope. The King and Shorty would still make fun of me and annoying, and besides, being the rude, smart guy is my aesthetic.

Woo! another one done! I know this one took a while, and I'm sorry! I've just been losing motivation a bit lately. I'm gonna continue this story, so don't worry about me dropping it halfway through! If you read this far into the story, I'm glad you're enjoying it! And if you aren't enjoying it well... I'm sorry! (Also if you aren't enjoying it, why are you this far in?) Anyways, thank you for supporting this story and me! all comments and votes are greatly appreciated! I try to read all the comments! Anyways, have a good day/night! ❤💛💚💙💜

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