Cheer (Chap. 6)

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Yamaguchi's pov

Interhighs start today. I'm super nervous! Even though I know they probably won't use me for anything, I'm still nervous for the rest of the team. I want the rest of the guys to enjoy playing as much as they can! Especially the third years. Cause you know... It's their last year. Even though I know they'll have another chance to play in the second interhigh. I want all my teammates to be happy and play as much as possible, but I want to play too, so I'm gonna try hard and practice!

Tsukishima's pov

We're on the bus to Sendai Gymnasium, and Hinata isn't looking too good. He ended up throwing up. Not like I expected anything less though. Yamaguchi is sitting next to me, me in the window seat. He's been talking about how nervous he is about the game and how he wonders what the other team is like. Since we had never heard of their team before, we had assumed they must have been pretty small time. Even though I have my head turned away from him and am staring out the window, he still talks to me, like he just knows I'm listening to every word he's saying, and I am.


We arrived at the place where we're playing, and immediately heard people calling us our lame nickname, the 'Fallen Champs, the Clipped Crows'. We stood behind the rude pair and put on menacing faces, even Daichi. One of them looked behind them and saw us, then Tanaka gave them a face like he wanted to start a fight. He honestly probably would have if Daichi wasn't there to stop him. Daichi apologized to the pair and started walking inside.

I could hear people around us whispering about the rumors that Asahi was a thug that got held back for 5 years. If only they knew how wrong they were... I heard some other people talking about The King and how he was back in middle school. When he heard them he glared at them so hard I seriously thought they might legitimately melt out of fear. I mean, I admit he does look very intimidating to someone who doesn't know his actual personality. When I heard people talking about Hinata and how small he was I almost snickered along with them. You can't really blame me. After all, I'm 6'3 and he's 5'3. I'm like a lamppost to him. We had finally gotten to our spot and began warming up for our match against Tokonami High.


We're finally about to start playing. Hinata looks kind of nervous, but that's to be expected from him. As long as it's not like the Seijoh practice game it's fine. We lined up and finally started.

Yamaguchi's pov

We're finally starting after what felt like hours, though it was only about ten minutes. I'm so nervous! The other team looks pretty small time, since I've never heard of or seen them before. But I don't wanna judge them off of that, they could have amazing players!

I can only really cheer on my team cause I'm just on the side, but that means I have to try my best to get my teammates who are playing into the game! I want to play a part in this interhigh, even if it's only cheering on the team from the sidelines. Though I would love to be one of the ones playing, I don't have enough skills for that yet. I just need to work hard, and then I'll be the one being cheered on.


I'm gonna start doing the a/n's like this from now on, cause I can. Anyway, thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed this and you like the next part! Again, please point out any mistakes that you see, I try to read all the comments, so I'll probably see yours! Thanks again, see you in the next part!💚💛💚

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