Amusement Park Things... I Guess (Chap. 9)

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Yamaguchi's pov

I asked him! I can't believe I actually mustered up the courage! I'm so happy! I don't even know where we're going though... wait... I don't know where we're going! I was only thinking about asking him, oh no! He probably thinks I'm incompetent! I mean I kind of am, if I forgot about something as simple as that... whatever! I'll just text him when I think of a place! Yeah, that'll work! Okay! Now I  just have to think of a place...

Tsukishima's pov

Yamaguchi just texted me saying he wants to go to an amusement park..? Alright, then. It's not my ideal place, but if he likes it, I do too. Apparently we're going tomorrow, so I guess I should make sure I have everything ready. We're only hanging out, so it's not a date or anything, but I should still make sure I'm prepared. Though I wish it was a date... what? I didn't say anything. Your ears are clearly tricking you. You should get them checked. Like right now. leave me alone.

Yamaguchi's pov

Aah! I'm so nervous. It's the day that we planned on hanging out! I invited Tsukki to an amusement park. I don't know if he likes them (which is surprising cause I've known him for years), so I hope I picked a good place. I guess I'll just find out when I get there! Aah, so nervous...


I'm having a lot of fun! I think Tsukki is too, he's smiling a bit, and I rarely see him do that! We're eating cotton candy while walking around people watching. I watch as Tsukki bites into his fluffy treat. Oops, he caught me looking.

"What're you looking at?" Tsukki asked me. 

"U-um, nothing! It's fine." Me being the nervous person I am, stuttered. I hate that I always stutter! It's so annoying. No one ever takes me seriously. 

Tsukishima's pov

We're at the amusement park Yamaguchi invited me to, and he looks like he's having fun. I saw his face light up when he saw the cotton candy stand. It made me happy to see him having fun, and I even smiled a bit. hope he didn't see that. We've both finished our cotton candy, and Yamaguchi is pointing at some ride. Oh no. A roller coaster. I... I'm not scared of roller coasters. They're just... intimidating. Don't take things the wrong way, I'm not afraid. I just... they aren't my favorite thing to go on at an amusement park. I know what you're thinking, "Aww, little Tsukki is afraid of roller coasters!" but no. Shut up. I'm just too tall, so I always think I might get decapitated. That's all. With all my rambling, Yamaguchi dragged me to the roller coaster, and we got in line. It looked like the wait would be about twenty minutes, so I had time to prepare myself. Phew. 

Yamaguchi's pov

I saw this awesome looking roller coaster! It's so tall and it looks so fun! Tsukki seemed to be zoned out when I dragged him towards the line. I wonder what he was thinking about... oh! It's our turn to go on, finally! Tsukki looks a little nervous, I wonder If he's scared of roller coasters...? Aww! I would've never expected Tsukki, of all people, to be afraid of roller coasters! I guess it's understandable, though. I mean, he is tall, and they go fast and all over the place. I hope I'm not being to cruel by making him go on this ride! Oh, it's almost our turn!

Tsukishima's pov

Oh god. It's our turn to get on the ride. Whatever, I'll just pretend I'm falling off a building, then it shouldn't be too bad. Wait, I can't say that? Fine, Whatever... I'll just keep my eyes shut and pretend I'm really bored like always. Then it'll just feel like Bokuto spiking volleyballs at my head the whole time. I guess they do feel kinda similar. You know, with the wind and stuff? Whatever. Welp, we're getting on. Oh no, I've got butterflies. Did I really just say that...? Never mind that, does no one even care that I might die on this thing? Sigh.............

Yes, those extra periods were necessary. For emphasis on how I might DIE on this ride. But whatever! It's just DEATH you know? Not exactly how I planned my death, but okay.


I will NEVER be going on a roller coaster ever again. Never. Nope. Not doing that again. Nope nope nope nope nope. Nuh-uh. No. I wasn't scared, I was just worried that... Yamaguchi might be afraid! Yeah. That's it. Not believable? Fine. Whatever. I barely even remember what happened on the ride. Oh no. What if I did something totally embarrassing and I don't remember? Come to think of it, I was holding onto something the whole time... Oh god, please don't let it be what I think it is. (a/n: "Please let this be a normal field trip!"  "With the Frizz? No way!" Just me? Okay :')

Yamaguchi's pov

That was a great ride! It was so fast and high up, there was even a loop-de-loop! I love those. Tsukki must have been really scared, he was squeezing my hand the entire time... aha ha... ha... AAAHHHHH-


Hello there! I know I haven't updated this story in so long, and I'm really sorry! It's just that school has started for me, and I just got a new computer, and I have to catch up on a lot of stuff... I've been depriving you all of content! ><

That's why I made this chapter extra long, as an apology. 1065 words, what!?

Ps: I'm watching Marble Hornets cause I've recently been dragged down the hole of the Creepypasta fandom once again, and really want people to talk to about it! Also, yes, I know that MH and Creepypasta are not related and Hoodie and Masky are not Creepypastas, nor are they proxies. It's okay. I'm educated. But I do love MH and Creepypasta!

Pps: I have a headcanon that Tsukki would be kind of afraid roller coasters cause he's so tall, and I know it's not canon, but neither is TsukkiYama, so... (Though it almost was canon until some lady said "That's not family friendly!" Like, bish, if you want a "family friendly" show just watch something else without making the creator change an entire plot point.)

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