Embarrassing... (Chap. 5)

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Yamaguchi's pov

We were walking from together like usual. I would usually be talking to him about my progress with Mr. Shimada or how the day went, but not today. We just walked in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable quiet. Suddenly I felt something bump into me from behind.

"Gah!" I yelped. That was embarrassing... A girl had bumped into me.

"Oops! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She asked.

" Y-yeah, I'm fine! Are you alright? " I asked her.

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine! Well, bye I guess! Sorry!" She said quickly. she then walked away and left me with Tsukki again. That was kind of embarrassing... I blushed and continued walking.

Tsukki's pov

After that girl just annoyingly interrupted our quiet walk, the air felt kind of awkward. Wait... Was he... Blushing? He was walking slightly ahead of me so I couldn't see his face too well, but it looked kind of red. Does he know her? She was wearing our school uniform... Does he like her? No, probably not. I should stop jumping to ridiculous conclusions. Just because she goes to our school doesn't mean he knows her, let alone has a crush on her. He was probably blushing out of embarrassment. He does get pretty embarrassed when this kind of thing happens. Even if he did like her, it's not my place to do anything anyway. I swear he's making me more irrational...

"Well, this is my stop. See ya Tsukki!" He said goodbye and I nodded. He walked into his house and I put on my headphones, walking to my own home.

Yamaguchi's pov

I went into my house and took my shoes off. I walked up to my my room and flopped on my bed, not knowing what to do. We didn't have homework, so I couldn't distract myself with that. Interhighs are in a few days, so I've been feeling kind of anxious recently. I've been improving a lot with my serve, but I don't know if it's good enough to use as a weapon against the other teams. I know they probably won't need me much anyway, but I still want to be able to play. I don't want to be the only first year left on the bench anymore.

Finally! Sorry I've been taking more time to update the story. I'm trying to keep going and keep myself motivated. Thank you for supporting this story! I have basically no experience with writing on here, so thank you all for so nice and supportive! I'll see you in the next chapter!❤💛💚💙💜

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