Such a Tsundere (Chap. 8)

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Tsukishima's pov

We lost the match against Seijoh. I mean, I didn't really care whether we won or lost, but I do feel kind of bad for everyone else, since they had their hearts set on winning. Hinata and Kageyama looked really disappointed that we lost. I don't understand them. If you're going to lose, might as well quit and save yourself the pain, right? It's better that way, after all.

Yamaguchi and I are walking home right now. I have my headphones on and I'm just listening to the sound of birds chirping outside. I've gotten used to having my headphones on, but not actually listening to any music, since I mostly just have them on to pretend I'm not listening to Yamaguchi.

Sometimes I wish I could just be nice to people. Like Yamaguchi is. But I know I could never do that. Imagine what would happen if I just suddenly changed my sarcastic demeanor? Everyone would tease me, and they'd probably get weirded out. It just wouldn't be the same.

Anyway, I just-

Our hands brushed. Our hands just brushed. I normally wouldn't make a big deal out of it, but since I like him, it was very hard to contain my excitement. This only happens about once or twice a month! How could I not be happy? I wish we could hold hands, though I'd never, ever say that out loud. Even if we were dating, that would be too embarrassing. I know, I know, I'm "Such a tsundere", but it's true. I don't care what people call me, I would never, ever ask someone for affection. I would be dead to myself if I did. Not that I'm not already, but that's not the point. I'm-

Why am I even making a big deal out of this? I don't know why I'm even wasting the effort thinking about this, acting like I'm trying to prove a point to someone. While I was thinking I almost walked right past my house.

" Bye, Yamaguchi. " I said goodbye to him, but he stopped me before I could walk into my house.

"U-um, do you think we could maybe hang out this weekend...? You know since we have off cause of the loss and we haven't gotten to talk much..." He asked me. I honestly thought it was pretty cute that he was stuttering.

I think I'm free this weekend. I agreed and walked into my house. As I turned to shut the door I saw a smiling Yamaguchi. My chest felt warm seeing him smile like that, you could practically see the sparkles around him. After I shut the door I took off my shoes and smiled to myself as I walked towards my room.


Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have like no ideas T-T I've been doing schoolwork and things with my family, as well as catching up on anime and doing other things on Wattpad. Thank you guys for being so patient with me, I love you guys so much! Every single one of you! I hope you have an awesome day/night!💖🍡

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