Part- IV

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For the first time, Jamini seems to have experienced a different kind of happiness,
No it is not a physical pleasure.

20 minutes passed away we got on a taxi. Till now she have a suppressed smile on her face. The car stopped at the door of my house.
Ramchandra opened the door, we went straight up to the second floor of my house.

It was about 10 o'clock at night, My cooking as well as cinema are on their way to the end,
After alot of laughter and jokes hero and heroine are getting together again.
Jamini is so much impressed with the scene that her full concentration is on that cinema and till now she forgot to light the cigarette she is holding for an hour. I went and cleared my throat little softly then she looked back at me.
A smile was flushing on her face and a look of surprise in her eyes.
She was blushing.
I clearly understood that this type of warm welcome and the movie have not been received by her till today.
However, when I gotup after eating, it was 10:30 P.M.

The colour of clouds in the sky is black and a cool breeze blowing all over the sky.
Jamini went to balcony and seat on a swing.
I went there and seat on a beanbag kept beside that swing.
There is pindrop silence everywhere as far as I can see.

The dried leaves of the coconut tree in the garden trembling with the wind telling me again and again to talk with her not as a lawyer but as a friend.
Suddenly I saw her midnight black colour hair floating in the air and she was looking at the half moon and started humming a sweet bengali song - " NISHI RAAT BANKA CHAND AKASHEEE...... CHUPI CHUPI BANSHI BAJE BATASHEEE....BATASHE...."

My eyes are fixed on her, and for a moment I can't help but admire how beautiful she is...
I was impressed by her song and smiled for a while that fell in jamini's eye and she asked me a question.
- Did you ever got a chance to enjoy company of woman ?

ME: I got many opportunities to enjoy company of woman but I couldn't turn it into good luck.


ME: Because I am not an inspector.

JAMINI: Then enjoy today.

ME: It takes time to cut discomfort.
Do you drink alcohol ?

I never had a chance to get drunk.
I just saw some unknown faces drowning in my intoxication everyday.

ME: Drown today.
Maybe unfamiliar faces will float infront of your eyes or maybe you will forget your bad past for a while.

I went to bring 'CHIVAS REGAL 25 YEARS' from my drawing room and ice cubes from fridge.
'cork popped and glasses tinkled'.

At first she showed a little frown but she enjoyed three pegs of scotch, we were laughing and joking,
After throwing cashewnut on each other, now jamini started thinking me as her close ones and started talking softly so I also started talking softly, My inertia is less now.

Outside it started raining lightly, and inside the house now it is loadshedding.
Jamini took her hair to one side of her shoulder and in the moonlight the rose tattoo on her back became so bright that sometimes I want to touch it with my own hands.
As I was slightly drunk so without thinking twice I asked her a question:
- Does everyone deserve this rose ?

Madam wanted to see this rose on my waist. She said that the customer would be happy.

ME: Then why did you do it on your back ?

JAMINI: So that it just become his property who is in real love with me. He will write the word 'LOVE' with a finger on my back, and my answer would be that rose.

ME: Will you only dream ?
Will you not try to fulfil your dream ?

JAMINI: This dream was not made to fulfil alone. How will I fulfil it ?

ME: Can I help you ?

JAMINI: Hahaha....
I will not accept that you will write the word 'LOVE' on my back and lateron you will go to court again and try to prove me wrong with that finger.

I don't know why, I grabbed jamini's hand tightly while she was talking. She stopped talking when she saw me staring into her eyes.
I pulled her out of the swing and put her next to me.
For a moment, I straightened her disheveled hair and put it on one side of her shoulder and slowly I write the word LOVE on her back tattoo and put a gentle kiss on it.
I saw jamini is getting a goosebumbs all over her body. She grabbed my hand tightly.

I pulled her close to me, gently backing myself against the wall, without saying another word she dropped the cigarette from her hand , hugged me tightly and closed her eyes. Angling my face to hers until our lips locked.
At first the kiss was small, gentle and very meaningful. But then it grew bigger and more intense. She tasted tentatively with her tongue as she traced it across the bottom of my lip. The caress of her lips seemed softer. Soon we started swallowing each other making the kiss even more intense.

For the first time in her life, she got a chance to hug someone of her own choice. I couldn't push her away either.
At that time, only one thing was going-on in my mind, Today I am the reason for jamini's happiness. The key of her dreams, her release is in my hand.

By the time it started raining heavily, the raindrops coming on my balcony has wetted our hair as well as our dresses. I saw jamini trembled a little due to the cold wind blowing, she grabs me to get rid of this cold outside and all the troubles that are frozen inside her mind. Looking no way I picked her up in my arms and till now she has kept face pressed in my chest.

I took her to drawing room sofa and laid her down. When I was about to get up by giving a cushion under her head, jamini pulled the collar of my shirt and whispered...
- Where are you going ?

ME: To sleep !
Now it is late night.

JAMINI: You should not leave after writing love you with your own hand.

ME: What to do then ?

JAMINI: Hold me.

ME: And ??

Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed.

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